Here are some more spell ideas I want. You guys seemed to like my other ideas pretty good. I figured I should make a new thread so its easier to focus on them.
Rock Prison (Area Targeted, Summoned)
Creates a bunch of boulders surrounding and trapping any units in the targeted area. These rocks should be like the rocks blocking areas on some maps which you can attack to clear away. I imagine the best way to do it would be to create a summoned unit that looks like those rocks, with no attack and no movement. The spell trigger could create a large number of these "units" in the area you specify. If nobody is there you should end up with a circle filled with rocks, if units are in the area then the rocks will automatically be placed all around them, trapping them. That's my theory anyway. At the lowest level the rocks should have very low HP, like 1. With increasing level the strength and duration of the rocks would increase. It should have some rocky sound effect when it is summoned.
Condemn (Unit Targeted)
Like Taunt, except the hero gets to specify an enemy or neutral unit as a victim! And it should only last for X hits, or repeatedly for X seconds, where X increases with the level of the spell. The order to attack should be applied to allies of the unit and neutral hostile units. Optionally it could also apply to the casters fellow units as well, as a means of focus-firing with your own army.
Artillery (Ultimate, Morph)
Has the effect of Seige Mode for Seige Tanks from Starcraft, but really powerful and long range. So it immobilizes the hero but gives him, say, double the range of a mortar team, with some crazy attack. It would be nice to have a realistic effect showing the hero transform into artillery mode, but I'm not sure what could be done.
Mechanical Mojo(Unit Targeted)
Creates a buff that gives a building or mechanical unit temporary invulnerability and gradually repairs it over the duration of the buff. I would also like it to include a feature that it increases the build speed of a building, like multiple human peasants building.
Lightning Ward (Summoned)
Creates a ward with a weak auto-cast Purge ability. It should also do a bit of damage and it should have the effect of an arc of lighting going out to the victim. Maybe it would look cool for it to also have a beam of lighting come from the sky, like a lighting rod, maybe not. Cooldown on the Purge would decrease with each level.
Fever (Unit Targeted)
This one could be a lot of fun but/because its quite elaborate. When an enemy unit is struck with Fever they will begin to get slower and slower and lose health. They will also stop attacking (trigger should periodically order them to stop if the player re-orders them) and start wandering around like a critter. Eventually they will come to a stop and go to sleep. When they wake up they will quickly recover their health speed and usability. That could be fun and elaborate enough right? But there is more! Feverish units will develop an aura while they are afflicted, units around them that recieve this aura would have the chance of becoming sick themselves. If played right, and the victim player doesn't dispell, their whole army could end up sick! This might be an Ultimate but I think it would be too easy to dispell before it becomes an epidemic, maybe if it wasn't dispellable, like Disease cloud it could be an Ultimate. Otherwise if it is a standard spell I think you could simply increase the recovery time of the feverish unit with each level. The health loss should work like lose 5% of their current health per second or something, so they will never die from the fever.
Rock Prison (Area Targeted, Summoned)
Creates a bunch of boulders surrounding and trapping any units in the targeted area. These rocks should be like the rocks blocking areas on some maps which you can attack to clear away. I imagine the best way to do it would be to create a summoned unit that looks like those rocks, with no attack and no movement. The spell trigger could create a large number of these "units" in the area you specify. If nobody is there you should end up with a circle filled with rocks, if units are in the area then the rocks will automatically be placed all around them, trapping them. That's my theory anyway. At the lowest level the rocks should have very low HP, like 1. With increasing level the strength and duration of the rocks would increase. It should have some rocky sound effect when it is summoned.
Condemn (Unit Targeted)
Like Taunt, except the hero gets to specify an enemy or neutral unit as a victim! And it should only last for X hits, or repeatedly for X seconds, where X increases with the level of the spell. The order to attack should be applied to allies of the unit and neutral hostile units. Optionally it could also apply to the casters fellow units as well, as a means of focus-firing with your own army.
Artillery (Ultimate, Morph)
Has the effect of Seige Mode for Seige Tanks from Starcraft, but really powerful and long range. So it immobilizes the hero but gives him, say, double the range of a mortar team, with some crazy attack. It would be nice to have a realistic effect showing the hero transform into artillery mode, but I'm not sure what could be done.
Mechanical Mojo(Unit Targeted)
Creates a buff that gives a building or mechanical unit temporary invulnerability and gradually repairs it over the duration of the buff. I would also like it to include a feature that it increases the build speed of a building, like multiple human peasants building.
Lightning Ward (Summoned)
Creates a ward with a weak auto-cast Purge ability. It should also do a bit of damage and it should have the effect of an arc of lighting going out to the victim. Maybe it would look cool for it to also have a beam of lighting come from the sky, like a lighting rod, maybe not. Cooldown on the Purge would decrease with each level.
Fever (Unit Targeted)
This one could be a lot of fun but/because its quite elaborate. When an enemy unit is struck with Fever they will begin to get slower and slower and lose health. They will also stop attacking (trigger should periodically order them to stop if the player re-orders them) and start wandering around like a critter. Eventually they will come to a stop and go to sleep. When they wake up they will quickly recover their health speed and usability. That could be fun and elaborate enough right? But there is more! Feverish units will develop an aura while they are afflicted, units around them that recieve this aura would have the chance of becoming sick themselves. If played right, and the victim player doesn't dispell, their whole army could end up sick! This might be an Ultimate but I think it would be too easy to dispell before it becomes an epidemic, maybe if it wasn't dispellable, like Disease cloud it could be an Ultimate. Otherwise if it is a standard spell I think you could simply increase the recovery time of the feverish unit with each level. The health loss should work like lose 5% of their current health per second or something, so they will never die from the fever.