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Modern Confict : World War Wc3

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Story&The Style
• This map is based on a Wc3 Style world war,it takes place on the USW Front;the Soviet Union attacked USW,now,retaliation time You play either the soldiers of USW or Soviet Union,Attack is gun fire system (press a) note:usw=united states of warcraft you may choose from 6 unique classes to my map,i will tell you in the next part about the classes all classes can get in ANY vehicle which are air dropped in,vehicles have multiple slots to get in that multiple players can get it without sharing control eg:Driver,Gunner,aditional slot.there is a player on each team that is the 'Commander' he can call in Airstrikes,Car Drops,Artilery Barrages,and WMDs there is a point system called T.A (tactical aid) they are gained by killing enemy units (when any player does it) best of all:rounds are decides by the average of players on each team (incase there not even teams) eg:6v6=6 rounds 2v4=3 rounds best thing is,No1 Can be commander twice until every1 has been commander once (for evenness) if commander sucks he can be voted as not commander after 5 minutes (after alot of checks),this map will be implemented with ANTI-mh,so we dont have any of those bastards.buildings wont be able to be shot threw (realistic) units are injured when shot,and soldiers can set there firing range from 3 classes(lower,chest,and head) chest has a 100% Chance to hit if you get a correct shot,Lower has a 65% chance to hit with correct shot,and head has a 5%Chance to hit,every time you get a headshot you get +0.10% chance to hit headshots

The Classes are very unique with very unique abilities,(secret)
but here are the 6 classes
(heavy guns)
Special Ops

This concludes my interview of MC:WW,WC3
please ask for anything you would like to know,screenshots coming
Level 5
Dec 12, 2006
Okay if you could try to split up the text a little, I read it but it would be easier to read in different parts like your classes.

Also what is better about aiming for the head instead of the chest?

Gl with your map, the car drop system sounds like fun I hope that you complete this map.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2006
Could you say some ideas for the classes.

If you don't have many currently you should probally post some that you have and other people could say some ideas.

Based on what you said how support has heavy guns here is an ability.

Power Shot
  • Makes chance for headshot = 0
  • Improves power by 25%
  • Reduces speed to 0
  • Chance to hit legs = 25%
  • Chance to hit Chest = 100%
  • Chance to be hit in the leg and chest = 100%

Hope this helps. :)
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Splitting the text up a little would be a plus, screenies would be much appreciated, since map is not attached, and stop spamming, because I know ragingspeedhorn will whip out the ban stick and start smacking people, not rly, but he will start handing out neg rep like soup to the homeless and possibly close the thread
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