Model Terraining Request

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hello there!

This request is a sequel of this thread. I'm looking for an experienced model maker to continue AlienAtSystem's model to improve the terrain of the tunnel. This tunnel will be the campaign screen of The Chosen Ones.

Colors / layout:




I believe we'll need really high quality custom textures to make this model look really good. The size doesn't matter, only the quality!

Or perhaps you have other way...? It's up to you, just make this tunnel look scary, yet awesome!

Ask questions, I'm happy to answer.

As a reward you'll receive rep and credits.
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I wonder if you have the latest version of the model. Let's wait first for AlienAtSystem so that he will give the latest version. There might be some changes.

In the mean time you can think about how to improve the terrain of the campaign screen. Your job is simply to improve it, do it as beautiful as possible.

I have attached a test campaign to show you how it looks ingame.

You may add custom textures and the size doesn't matter, only the beauty of the model. Make it awesome as possible, that's your job! Good luck.


    1.4 MB · Views: 80
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Indeed you've put some depth to the tunnel. Now the low textures are pretty much "hided" and it starts to have some good and dark feeling. That is what I'm seeking.

Maybe you could add more "stuff" to the tunnel? And maybe add some parts that are different from the rest of the tunnel like a river flowing at one point, fissures, bats, evil eyes or anything that comes up to your mind.

Also I see a little too much of copy, especially those two spikes pointing each other. Also the spikes always either look straight to the up or down. Try to use different angles.

Lovely work nonetheless.
Level 34
Sep 19, 2011
Textures were not a problem, they have quet good quality, i just fixed wrap alittlle. By the way i didn't edit it's mesh at all:D
River.. Well it will be quet hard and anoying because of texture animations and other shit, maybe il just put here some bones and shit?
Or how about an idea, to make this tunnel spinning very slowly?)
Edit: i'd like not to edit it's mesh at all, because it has quet interesting geoset animations and ohter visibly shit..
Level 34
Sep 19, 2011
Actualy camera is not moving:D
The tunnel itself is moving towards camera. So i guess animation should go about 10-25% faster, if its possible ofc and tunnel shound spin for about.. well i guess it should spin for 90 degrees over 1.5 - 2.5 seconds (1500-2500frames ofc). So it will make a 360 degrees spin for avout 8 seconds, it's slow enough and should fit i hope)

Edit: in my opinion, it looks good now, but if you realy want to improve stuff..
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hello there, model maker!

I'm looking for someone to continue this epic tunnel. What I want is that you'll finish this tunnel. In the first post you can see what I'm looking for. I really want this to be finished so I can put it to the campaign. This will make the campaign once again, to another level!

Big credits will be given of course.

You can either continue from this or from this stage.

And here's a test map for you. Just import the model and change from campaign settings your model on and you can see in the game itself.
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