model swaps

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Level 2
Jan 11, 2015
hi, i was wandering, how i make so if an action occurs(or a creature casts a spell)(in w3)
to switch its model, so for example i have an archer, then i use the spell draw sword, how do i change its model?
thanks :goblin_jawdrop:
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I believe "Bear Form" (the night elf ability) does this. Search the World Editor Help Zone and I'm sure you can find a little tutorial in a thread somewhere.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
I call it a "reverse transform" because I dont know what the real name is.

Here is how it works:
Create an ability based of "Bear Form"
Set all values (especcially requirements) to 0/null.
Put your first unit in the field "Data - Alternative Form Unit"
Put the unit where you want to transform into in the field "Data - Normal Form Unit"
Like this.

Then you go to the triggers.
When you want to transform, do this:
  • Actions
    • Unit - Add Bear Form to (Triggering unit)
    • Unit - Remove Bear Form from (Triggering unit)
Then your unit is instantly replaced.
You have to make the same ability again with the units switched and use that one to transform back.

Differences from replace:
Replace creates a new unit. With this the unit is still the same.
With this you keep every data that is attached to your unit.
You also keep your spells.
Level 2
Jan 11, 2015
ho thnx, why i did not tought of that before, anyway one last question, if i make a dragon form,(based on flight form) it crashes, why?
Level 12
May 20, 2009
I call it a "reverse transform" because I dont know what the real name is.

Here is how it works:
Create an ability based of "Bear Form"
Set all values (especcially requirements) to 0/null.
Put your first unit in the field "Data - Alternative Form Unit"
Put the unit where you want to transform into in the field "Data - Normal Form Unit"
Like this.

Then you go to the triggers.
When you want to transform, do this:
  • Actions
    • Unit - Add Bear Form to (Triggering unit)
    • Unit - Remove Bear Form from (Triggering unit)
Then your unit is instantly replaced.
You have to make the same ability again with the units switched and use that one to transform back.

Differences from replace:
Replace creates a new unit. With this the unit is still the same.
With this you keep every data that is attached to your unit.
You also keep your spells.

Or you could just use the Chaos ability.
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