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Model Request: WCIII Beta Ranger

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Level 2
Mar 28, 2009
Hello! A while ago while I was looking through some of the skins in Warcraft III, I noticed a one called "HeroRanger" that has always intrigued me. While it works decently on the "Sylvanas Windrunner" model, it looks a bit off, like it was supposed to be slightly different somehow.

Today I was going through some beta images, and lo and behold! A ranger! Using that Skin! And its slightly different!
Scrolls of Lore Image Gallery - Pre-release Screenshots/100
Scrolls of Lore Image Gallery - Pre-release Screenshots/021

I even found a "Hero Ranger" icon that's in the same style. (I'm using it as my current avatar.)

Two major things I noticed, is that the Beta Ranger has long hair/sideburns, kinda like the Jaina Proudmoore Model, and it also seems to have highlights on the top of the hood, and near the bottom edge.

So, in short- I would like if someone could take Jaina's head, put it on Sylvanas's model, give it ears (XD), tweak it so that the "HeroRanger" skin works on it, and make it look like the unit seen in the beta.

If someone needs me to post the "heroranger.blp" skin for additional help/reference , let me know.
Level 2
Mar 28, 2009
in SS2, I kinda liked the undead hero. was that the beta Dreadlord?

Yeah, thats him in the "dress." :p One of the "pissed off" jokes left in-game references it.

"This is not a dress. It's the standard Dreadlord uniform!"

I also recall seeing a dreadlord sans horns, but I could be wrong. Its hard to tell from that particular picture.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
That Ranger does look cool, but what about that peon pushing the catapult? He's cool too. Some of these Beta models are better than some of the models in game. You should see the Beta trolls for WOW. They were much better than those tall dorky looking trolls because they looked like the regular buff trolls from WC3 and WC2. Is there anywhere to find these beta models? I already have the beta troll shadow hunter.

The druid of the Talon was cool and the Dragons were awesome. The Night Elves and Undead were almost completely different. The Orcs buildings were kind of different as well. The ogres were kind of cooler too and the Tuarens had a different weapon. The Humans weren't much different, but the Knights did have longer swords.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
That Ranger does look cool, but what about that peon pushing the catapult? He's cool too. Some of these Beta models are better than some of the models in game. You should see the Beta trolls for WOW. They were much better than those tall dorky looking trolls because they looked like the regular buff trolls from WC3 and WC2. Is there anywhere to find these beta models? I already have the beta troll shadow hunter.

The druid of the Talon was cool and the Dragons were awesome. The Night Elves and Undead were almost completely different. The Orcs buildings were kind of different as well. The ogres were kind of cooler too and the Tuarens had a different weapon. The Humans weren't much different, but the Knights did have longer swords.

Give us a screenshot. Some of us might wanna see. if your lucky these models/skins might get done.

Wait, Balayden, cant you just make it a skin???
Level 2
Mar 28, 2009
Um... the skin already exists, but there isn't a model for it.

According to the picture from the beta, it looks like the "beta Ranger" has a head VERY similar to Jaina Proudmoore's (her "portrait" looks like a mirrored version of the beta ranger without ears)

My request is for a model that works with the skin. I've tried to do it myself, but I've been failing pretty miserably. I can't get the hang of all the vertexes and paths and stuff. :(
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
What do you mean give a screen shot? Click on the links and you'll find tons of them.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
I've got a custom ranger model already, just wanting this one to replace it.
Level 2
Mar 28, 2009
I think I might have confused some people with my request. Here is the BLP file for the skin.

From the screenshots I took, It doesn't work well on the "shandaris/sylvanas" model.

1. The face/hood is the wrong shape
2. the hair is mapped wrong and is missing in places (there needs to be some around her neck like Jaina's model)
3. the portrait is facing the wrong way (thats easily fixed)
4. the ears need to point upwards

1. Fix ears
2. Uh, add hair?
3. retexturing probably needs to be done... it just looks off...

I hope that helps! I seem to have sparked some intrest in some of those old models! :)


  • HeroRanger.blp
    187 KB · Views: 157
  • ss0000.JPG
    42.6 KB · Views: 584
  • Ranger comparison.jpg
    Ranger comparison.jpg
    31.8 KB · Views: 1,017
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
it just doesnt look the same. I sure if someone completes Balaydens version, it will look better.
Level 2
Mar 28, 2009
Maybe here

Campaign Creations

there is some beta models

Yeah, I checked the "beta ranger" they posted there.... its identical to the one I just showed. Unmodified skin on unmodified model. Didn't even bother to fix the hair.

A lot of those models look unfinished. The "Jaina Ranger" (which I thought might be useful) looked terrible and had the same problem.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
give a more detailed description of what you need. (I wish I could geoset and that crap, cos then I'd have this covered)
Level 2
Mar 28, 2009
I think I might have confused some people with my request. Here is the BLP file for the skin.

From the screenshots I took, It doesn't work well on the "shandaris/sylvanas" model.

1. The face/hood is the wrong shape
2. the hair is mapped wrong and is missing in places (there needs to be some around her neck like Jaina's model)
3. the portrait is facing the wrong way (thats easily fixed)
4. the ears need to point upwards

1. Fix ears
2. Uh, add hair?
3. retexturing probably needs to be done... it just looks off...

I hope that helps! I seem to have sparked some intrest in some of those old models! :)

I posted this earlier, but If you need the info again, here it is. There are some pictures for comparison/refrence on post #13 on the previous page.
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