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Model Request - Sonic characters and Koopa from Mario

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Level 2
Oct 6, 2005
Just browsing through the models section, i couldnt find and models for Koopa from the Mario series or any models for the Sonic the hedgehog characters. If someone could make these models complete with skins it would make me (and probably many others) a great deal more happy.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Now, I'm very sorry for putting you on the spot, but... WHY Sonic characters?

I doubt many of you embraced the old series as much as I did. The OLD series. The true classics. Some of the greatest video games I have EVER played. Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic CD

THOSE are true Sonic games. NOTHING like them can fit within Warcraft, unless you've figured out a way to have an extreamly lag free fast-paced method of running

</rambling whining>
Level 6
Dec 29, 2004
Mecheon said:
Now, I'm very sorry for putting you on the spot, but... WHY Sonic characters?
Because they rock. =D
Mecheon said:
I doubt many of you embraced the old series as much as I did. The OLD series. The true classics. Some of the greatest video games I have EVER played. Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic CD
I beg to differ.
Mecheon said:
THOSE are true Sonic games. NOTHING like them can fit within Warcraft, unless you've figured out a way to have an extreamly lag free fast-paced method of running

</rambling whining>
True, they wouldn't fit in warcraft well, but neather does mareo, or link, and all the others.
I've figured out a way to prevent lag with a fast running system, but it's not going to be releaced for a while.

ANYWAY, I've been working on a Metal Knuckles model for a bit. But you'd be the only one to even know who it is Mecheon.
Level 5
Jun 10, 2004
"Mecheon wrote:
Now, I'm very sorry for putting you on the spot, but... WHY Sonic characters?

Because they rock. =D
Mecheon wrote:

I doubt many of you embraced the old series as much as I did. The OLD series. The true classics. Some of the greatest video games I have EVER played. Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic CD

I beg to differ.
Mecheon wrote:

THOSE are true Sonic games. NOTHING like them can fit within Warcraft, unless you've figured out a way to have an extreamly lag free fast-paced method of running

</rambling whining>

True, they wouldn't fit in warcraft well, but neather does mareo, or link, and all the others.
I've figured out a way to prevent lag with a fast running system, but it's not going to be releaced for a while.

ANYWAY, I've been working on a Metal Knuckles model for a bit. But you'd be the only one to even know who it is Mecheon."
-The creator of this topic is not the only one who would like some Sonic models. I've been working on a Sonic based map for quite some time (on and off due to school) and I've been wanting to add in some models for a while. The link to the old version is here: (I'm updating currently.)
I realize that WC3 and Sonic are like oil and water so my first priority with this map was to make a fun, enjoyable, fast-paced action RPG. (I wish Blizzard would increase the base speed cap of units, then I could add some ground based speed boosters and really push the speed abilites of WC3 to their limits.) Some of the changes I've made are the addidtion of small Chao Racing/ Chao Karate mini games, the addition of a new, really tough final stage (not based on any game), a pretty faithful rendition of the Hot Shelter cube puzzle, and other things.
-Metal Knuckles. IIRC, that was either a boss from Sonic Advance or a character from Sonic R.
Level 2
Oct 6, 2005
So no-one is willing to make a Sonic?

Ekoi, if you would let me know when you are done with that Metal Knuckles, I'd be grateful.

Also, this sint only about Sonic characters. If anyone is still willing to make a Koopa, let me know.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Look, I'm sorry 'bout my whole outburst. It was GOING to happan once, and this was the unlucky topic

And yeah, Metal Knux was from Sonic R. Robotic version of Knuckles. Corse, Metal Sonic kicked his ass

But trust me, I do wonder why there are so many non-Warcraftish things. I can handle stuff like the ninjas, cause they were from a simular time period, if only very far away

And the refrence to lag was if it was going to be multiplayer. Cause that'd hurt. It'd also be REALLY hard to get most of the stuff into Warcraft, what with acceleration and deceleration and all. Though, the terrain would prove to be the easiet part. Just the engine would be hard
Level 5
Jun 10, 2004
Mecheon said:
Look, I'm sorry 'bout my whole outburst. It was GOING to happan once, and this was the unlucky topic

And yeah, Metal Knux was from Sonic R. Robotic version of Knuckles. Corse, Metal Sonic kicked his ass

But trust me, I do wonder why there are so many non-Warcraftish things. I can handle stuff like the ninjas, cause they were from a simular time period, if only very far away

And the refrence to lag was if it was going to be multiplayer. Cause that'd hurt. It'd also be REALLY hard to get most of the stuff into Warcraft, what with acceleration and deceleration and all. Though, the terrain would prove to be the easiet part. Just the engine would be hard
-I might have an explanation for the non-Warcraftish things. Obviously, Warcraft isn't the only thing people can be fans of. With the tools for map-making, skinning, etc, it becomes possible for fans to combine two good things into one by making WC compatible resources based on the other thing they like, thus indirectly doing a tribute to both things at once. (Example: those high quality KOTOR inspired models.) Then again, it could also be due to the eccentric nature of artists wanting to tinker around or push the envelope in their artistic medium (trust me, few artists are 100% sane). Alas, I ramble on. I gotta get back to my projects and do the stuff on my to do list.
Level 5
Jun 13, 2005
Well meachon warcraft was made to be altered in any way possible, else they wouldn't have introduced such a deep map editor.......secrets that lie within, but i would do this if i knew how.

<3 the original sonic. Have those old sega games :D.
Level 2
Oct 6, 2005
Mecheon, its alright to have the outbirst. I can understand where it comes from, but i dont really need the Sonic model to be fast. I just need a model with Attack 1 and 2, Death, Dissipate and a Spell animation.

Im planning to make a Videogame Hero Arena map you see and a Sonic model would go great with all the other models im planing to use.
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