[MODEL] Modern Bed

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Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
Hey modellers!

For my Dead Space map I need the model of a simple modern bed.
It shall be futuristic for a space station and all silver.

Be creative about the form.
I suggest using the the "UI\Glues\SinglePlayer\HumanCampaign3D\HumanCampaignFootman.blp" texture.
But if you have better ideas, surprise me!

You might ask why I don't do it on myself.
Well, I became very lazy and have a lot to do with making the Object Data and Triggers.
This request is very easy and I find it good to give some unexperienced modellers a chance to learn and improve and get a place in the credits list of my map.

Good Luck and be creative!
Reward will be 8 reputation.
Is this simple enough? :
Unforntunately, i have no converter installed, so i cant convert it to mdl. But you can have the .3ds file if you can convert it yourself.
Level 12
Sep 1, 2008
First you need to download neodex. (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/modeling-animation-276/neodex-78b-mdl-kit-3dsmax-6-2010-gmax-115767/) And follow the how to install or something like that.

Then start 3ds max and import the model. And I'm not sure if you have to do this, I just do it. I make all the meshes to editable mesh. Right click on the mesh and choose convert to - convert to editable mesh.

Then I select all the meshed and press on NeoDex on the top (PICTURE). And select export mdl. Write in the name of
the model in "Model name". Then press export to file. Save it with the name you want. I always use the same as the

model name.

Open your ".mdl" with notepad. Delete the line called replacebelid 1. And write/copy you path in the Textures -

Image - inside the "".
If you need more than one texture, just copy the text like the picture. And you must go under all the geoset's and

change the material id. But they are always on 0 before you change them. So if you are only using 1 texture, you

don't need to change them.

Then save it, and make it from mdl to mdx. And then it should work.

Just ask if something is unclear.
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