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Model Compression

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Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
I dont know if anyones posted about this before, but if they did, sorry for the repost. I wanna know if theres a way to compress models or to further compress already compressed models. Like most mappers, I'm sorta having space issues with my map due to model sizes. I did find a program called MDX Squisher but from what I've noticed through testing is, it just adds _squished to the filename, the filesize appears to remain the same. I dont wanna go through deleting geosets just yet since that might cause problems with the model's animations and other things, so if anyone knows of another method, feel free to post it.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Use less, or smaller sized models? I mean, how many, and what kind are you using that you are running out of space?

And to my knowledge the Mdx Squisher works well.
Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
Use less, or smaller sized models? I mean, how many, and what kind are you using that you are running out of space?

And to my knowledge the Mdx Squisher works well.

I dont have an exact number of models I'm using right now, their all in mdx format but some of the ones I wanna use are like 300-500kb or more which basicly sucks. The map is already about 2.5mb or so cuz of skins, icons, other smaller models and such, I'm trying not to push it over 3mb since its a footmen war. The mdx squisher hasnt done anything to the models I've tried it on, so either its a busted version or I'm assuming their already as compressed as they can be. Not sure whatelse I can do besides deleting geosets that dont have a drastic impact on the model
Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
I used mdx squisher, didnt change the size for me.. so i either cut back on some polies (doesnt do much) and delete some anims(not just the header of the anim) or spare keyframes.

If you cant find a way, and if u have a custom texture, then i just compress that.

Thanks for the tipoff Wulf, I'll give it a shot and see what happens. Theres probably a few animations on some of the models I can dump that wont cause a drastic impact on their overall performance
Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
The file size will only be reduced once you import it into the game. The squisher makes the MDX more vulnerable to MPQ compression.

So, if I squish all the models and toss them in, the map's filesize should be reduced once I'm done and all?
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