If you would please could i request help of someone able to make a Knight,
and if possible also a archer, it would be pretty easy to do both for there will only be a little diffrence in the model all would be needed is the body arms all same BUT diffrent helmet / head and weapon,
which you can do i think by doing a model of body arms hand legs all that and then save continue save in diffrent file when make that model then just edit the head on other model and weapon.
but the archer i dont REALLy need but if would i would appretiate it ^-^
model wouldnt need to be posted on hive yet just give me the uv map to texture and the model and tell me how get it on model and ill put it on when texture done and give you full cred !
sorry about long sentence,,,, Heres 2 picture of a few knights you can click to enlarge
and thats pretty much the body with tabard and so on with chainmail on the cups of side of shoulders and gloves
and heres a sword two hand *
and heres a helmet for the archer if you do decide to make of for him
the bow you can just do more of a circle on and or rectangle if you need pic i can get one for you
oh and ill be working on pictures of animations so you dont gotta make them up or go off a annoying description
OHHH and i can make the textures i just need a uv map for the model and how to set it for the model THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you would please could i request help of someone able to make a Knight,
and if possible also a archer, it would be pretty easy to do both for there will only be a little diffrence in the model all would be needed is the body arms all same BUT diffrent helmet / head and weapon,
which you can do i think by doing a model of body arms hand legs all that and then save continue save in diffrent file when make that model then just edit the head on other model and weapon.
but the archer i dont REALLy need but if would i would appretiate it ^-^
model wouldnt need to be posted on hive yet just give me the uv map to texture and the model and tell me how get it on model and ill put it on when texture done and give you full cred !
sorry about long sentence,,,, Heres 2 picture of a few knights you can click to enlarge
and thats pretty much the body with tabard and so on with chainmail on the cups of side of shoulders and gloves
and heres a sword two hand *
and heres a helmet for the archer if you do decide to make of for him
the bow you can just do more of a circle on and or rectangle if you need pic i can get one for you
oh and ill be working on pictures of animations so you dont gotta make them up or go off a annoying description
OHHH and i can make the textures i just need a uv map for the model and how to set it for the model THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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