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[Trigger] mode help

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Level 4
Jul 1, 2009
Sorry i was looking for a tutorial or something on making a mode selection trigger. Kinda the same way Dota does there mode selection.

i can make one where it does it if u type -AR or -EM but i dun wanna make a trigger for each -AREM -EMAR -arem -emar -ar -em

and lots more if i add more.... i know there is a way... but i cant find it

This is what i have so far

Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing - as A substring
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Substring((Entered chat string), 2, (Length of (Entered chat string)))) Equal to td
Then - Actions
Else - Actions

I feel like it has to be equal to td so tdem wont work.....how can i make it just contain instead of equals
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