Minimodding + other bugs

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I've found a few bugs on the new server. For one thing I can't update any icons; it gives me a vB database error message.

Three more things to do with minimodding:
  • On the icon section, everything is in the B category, as the icons all start with BTN. Maybe make the letter go on the 4th letter instead of the first for icons?
  • Icons aren't showing a picture on the minimod thingy (like where the preview image normally would go for the models)
  • On the models minimod thingy, some resources I can categorize and others I can't. I press Save and nothing happens, and when I refresh they're still there. And I've waited a while to see if it was just lag. And it isn't. However, some resources I can categorize and they go nice and fast like normal.

    I cleared my cache and now that last one's fixed.

I've also found another bug: On the My Resources page, it shows the models I've uploaded, but it doesn't show my icons.
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