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Merlin's Spellbook V1,94 +Ai

Dark-Zalor presents :

Merlin's Spellbook V1,94 +Ai
Created by Dark-Zalor
Requires 1.32 Warcraft III version or Newer

Due to blizzard known bugs the spells are not displayed correctly, when chosen. But they are castable and works properly. It's a warcraft III bug so the bug will be removed from the map without any changes from the user. We just have to wait.
Sorry for the problems during the game. It's not my fault ;)

Map Info

After the death of Arthur, Merlin, the white mage want to find a successor, the next king of Dalamur.
So he creates a battle between the most powerful heroes of Lalamu. He put the incredible number of sells that he knows in an spell book to let the heroes learn them for the battle.
The first team that destroy the other team will have his group elected to govern the world...

In this game you have to create custom heroes, to advantage your team. Spells are very different and custom, think about the team and not only individual.

For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at : [email protected]

Visit my facebook page at:


This game is an Aos game. 2 teams are fighting to destroy the other team's base. Each team is composed by 5 players. There is 3 lanes between each bases.

Heroes :
At the beginning of the game each player have to pick one of the availables heroes. The number of availables heroes are calculated in function of the maximum number of players. Formula below =>
NbrHeroes = NbrPlayers + 4

The heroes are chosen randomly in a pool of 55 custom heroes. These heroes have 3 talents:
- Intelligence: these heroes have a lot of mana and are casters,
- Strength: these heroes will be really resistant in-game,
- Agility: these heroes great power of attacks damages.

Spells :
There is a pack of 525 custom spells. These spells are divided in 4 groups:
- Carry: these spells increases the caster attacks damages,
- Tank: these spells increases the caster's resistance,
- Support: these spells are used to help friends to resist or kill enemies,
- Magic : these spells are magical ones that deals damages to enemies.

There is a number of random spells chosen which the formula is:
NbrBasicsSpells = (NbrPlayers + 2) * 3
NbrUltimatesSpells = NbrPlayers + 2
Now the spells have an equal repartition between Tank, Support, Magic and Carry.

When every players have pick their heroes. The second phase starts the spells picking. There is 3 turn of basic spells picking, and 1 turn of ultimate picking. Each turn every players will be pick in a random order to pick a spells. The ultimates are picked in the last turn.

To reorgenize your spells order you can see the section Commands below.

The spells have custom hotkeys Q, W, E, R.

Arthas :
He is the big boss of the map. He will spawn every 8 minutes in the middle of the south river. Each time he id killed, he will give some gold to the killer and his team and release a powerful item. The skull of Arthas.
This items grants bigger regeneration and blocks every damages taken for a small duration.

AI :
This game support Ai. The Ai don't buy items and casts spells. They are moving in lane attacking enemies. I created them to test abilities, they don't have the Fnatic level. They are just there to let players test their spells ans items.

Modes :
Test Mode: [Automatic]
This mode is activated when there is only one human player in the game. It allow the player to set manually his hero level by using -lvl XX command.

Commands :
There is a few commands in this map :
-ssX Y : [SwapSpells] before your hero learn a skill. Allow your hero to take the spell in slot X and swap it with the spell in slot Y.
-view : [resetVIEW] to restet the in-game camera.







V1,94 :
Fix Code for Reforge

V1,9 :
Add more spells
Correct Thundergod's wrath bugs
Rework the spells random disribution at the beginning of the map

V1,8 :
Add spells and updated to reforged

V1,31 :
- add 8 spells
- add 1 item
- add 4 heroes
- correct some bugs

V1,30 :
- add 10 spells
- add 5 items
- add 1 hero
- correct some bugs

V1,29 :
- add 10 spells

V1,28 :
- add 7 spells
- add 6 heroes

V1,27 :
- add 11 spells

V1,26 :
- add 8 spells

V1,24 :
- correct some bugs
- optimized script

V1,22 :
- correct some bugs
- Fire shield balanced
- Test mode added
- Poison Attack won't trigger passives (Chakra, Kinetic Field, Fervor, Unholy Presence, ...)
- Items are reorganized a shop is created

Spells balanced:
- Giant Resistance
- Burton World
- Concentration
- Death Fumes
- Magic Curse
- Canonball
- Chain dementia
- Great Fortitude
- Fire Shield (wait to see if it's really a spell too IMBA)
- Deep Wounds
- Overpower
- Photosynthesis

Spells Tooltips fixed:
- Enrage
- Blood Letting

Spells debugged:
- Chaos Shield
- Stasis Pillar
- Seal of Protection

Items tooltips reworked:
- Mjollnir
- Fighting Gloves

Theses spells won't trigger theses passives (Chakra, Kinetic Field, Unholy Presence, Fervor, ...) when they are casted:
- Frost Arrow
- Demolisher Missile
- Searing Arrow
- Canonball
- Poison Attack (to do...)
- Mana shield
- Laser Ray (Cast and Attack)
- Hell Nova


Special Thanks:
The Helper
Hive WorkShop
The Warcraft 3 French Community

The terrain is made by Laiev

Models :
General Frank

Author's notes

I spent a lot of time and imagination creating that map, I hope you will enjoy it.
If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at : [email protected]

Keywords : Battle, Fight, Death, Kill, Spell, Lane, Game, Ability, Carry, Tank, Support, Jungler, Heroes, Bases, Waves, Castles

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


Merlin Spellbook V1.94 Ai (Map)

ReviewMerlin's Spellbook Key ConceptAoS - The map is well created and the systems implemented in it are really interesting. The loading screen looks fine and provides useful info for starters. Instead of "custom it" should be "customize it" . Heroes...
It's pretty much a DotA with random/optional abilities. There might be too much luck involved in what the rune system is concerned. Approved.
Hello everyone.

I uploaded a new version of that map with more spells. And I rebalanced the spells distribution at the beginning of the game.

I published that map with a known bug from Blizzard that does not display spells. The map is working.
And the problem will be removed when blizzard will correct his bug.

Have fun and a lot of kills.
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Merlin's Spellbook

Key Concept
AoS - The map is well created and the systems implemented in it are really interesting. The loading screen looks fine and provides useful info for starters. Instead of "custom it" should be "customize it" . Heroes are really well described same as each custom spell. The items available are really cool :plol:.

The AI provided is really fine for single player testing but as a suggestion try to increase the health checking condition when they retreat, since they tend to retreat with about 50 hp and I can instantly kill them. The custom spells available are interesting and using a right combination, you can lay waste to your enemy.:xxd: Is nice that you can see the spells in the multiboard as well.:wgrin: Last hitting seems ok in the map, creeps are designed well, they do not seem strong or too annoying that you cannot focus on PvP or something like that. The towers do not seem so powerful. Heroes can dive into towers to land a kill on an enemy hero. I suggest you increase their power.

Terrain & Aesthetics
The terrain used is simple but looks decent and gives you a feeling of a nice fresh winter morning. The custom effects used for spells are fine as well. :)

I have no complaints here. The custom spells are really interesting and nice overall. They fit the gameplay of the map really well.

Final Suggestions
Fix some typos like "custom it" to "customize it" or "damages" from the hero tooltip to "damage" or "attack damage" Add more spells I suppose :D, some really cool active items and improve a bit the AI.

Aside from this, I would say that this AoS is totally fine and is a great addition to the Hiveworkshop maps section. 4/5 rating and vote for approval. P.S. Change the font color of your text in the bundle, that blue is killing everyone's eyes.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2019
Some spells are bugged, some are not balanced.
Ultimate with shield healing for damage received gave me another spell instead.
Spell with 12 x 0.5 sec stuns disables enemies until they die. Even if it takes minutes.
AoE manaburn spell is insane. It burns like 50-70% of enemy hero mana, 30-50% hp and clears pack.
Huge black aoe with chains has 480 total damage on lvl 1, so it clears pack and takes like 80% of enemy hero hp if he stays there.
Spell with enabling/disabling damage aura has insane amount of damage too. With tank items you just run around enemy and he burns to death.
Some recipes have wrong names of ingredients.
Passive with regenerating on day is likely bugged as it regenerates more than tower deals.
Also I have seen a hero with 70+ permanent white armor, so I guess some armor passive is bugged too.

Excuse me for batching report and missing ability names.

Overall map is good yet unplayable with random people right now (you cant even ban bugged spells). Several tips (not including bug fixes):
Add shop names to ingredients of recipes. That makes crafting items much faster. Alternative and even better way is to autocraft items if you have enough money. So when you buy recipe if you have enough money all missing components are buyed automatically (not really buyed, you just spend money and get craft result).
Make jungle camps showing on minimap.
Make draft more fair: teams should switch, like team 1 player, team 2 player, team 1 player, etc. If one team has fewer players, they should at least be guaranteed to have first pick.
Would be nice to have more spells to select, maybe an optional game mode
I'm sorry I'm alone on that game so It's not easy to test all this.

Ok I will have a look to theses bugs and suggestions. If I can have the spells name it should be good. I hope you still enjoyed your game.
It's cool to have feedback.

Ultimate with shield healing for damage received gave me another spell instead. Chaotic Shield? wich spell is replacing (searching why) I can't reproduce the bug
Spell with 12 x 0.5 sec stuns disables enemies until they die. Even if it takes minutes. Done
AoE manaburn spell is insane. It burns like 50-70% of enemy hero mana, 30-50% hp and clears pack. Magic Curse? decreases 20 mana points burn/sec and 20 damages/s
Huge black aoe with chains has 480 total damage on lvl 1, so it clears pack and takes like 80% of enemy hero hp if he stays there. Damage decreases 1% less for chains and 20 damages per seconds left
Spell with enabling/disabling damage aura has insane amount of damage too. With tank items you just run around enemy and he burns to death. Is it a toggle spell and a ulti?
Some recipes have wrong names of ingredients. Still searching
Passive with regenerating on day is likely bugged as it regenerates more than tower deals. Done
Also I have seen a hero with 70+ permanent white armor, so I guess some armor passive is bugged too. I have to find what is it
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Level 2
Jan 18, 2019
Yeah, thx for replying, it was great but sadly doesn't worth playing with random ppl before patch. It's hard to get names now because there is no way to get full list of spells. If there is one I will provide all names.

One of rather insane spells was death fumes, tho I didn't mention it. But it is deadly poke.

You may not be interested whole lot in my balance ideas but I have master in hots team league.

Grom is marked as ranged.
Steal vitality is rather insane.
Percentange mana regeneration passive gives you enough renegeration from 1st level to cast kinda any other 2 other spells on cd.
Hm... forget about recipe with wrong ingredient, looks like my friend who found it didn't find the jungle shop.
Togglable spell is not ulti, its basic from magic shop I think.

I ll try to get spell names by restarting with 9 bots.

Blood letting has really weird description.
Repulse Nuisance gives +2 armor comparing to great fortitude 150-600 hp.
Overpower ultimate is worse than deep wounds passive.
Mjolnir recipe mentions gloves of haste with cost 800.
With unholy presence you can regenerate mana by no manacost no cd spells like manashield.

Percentage mana regen is concentration.
I think you can use kinetic charge by toggling mana shield.
Enrage tooltip is unclear, only mana cost scaling is written.
Fighting gloves have claws of attack misspelled.
Mjolnir recipe doesn't mention itself and looks like it doesn't need gloves at all.
Restore chakra has typo, man instead of mana.
Looks like deep wounds doesn't work.
To glory is insane, it's kinda best heal in game with great AS buff.
Heartstoper curse doesn't mention its duration.
Domination is like 99% useless. It may be slightly useful at late stages of game in current state but other spells just let u instawipe whole pack usually or get enough AS/damage/heal to ignore tower armor.
Magic curse has 240 manaburn and damage on lvl 1. Most of your aoes have that values on lvl 4. With that amounts of mana burned on lvl 1 (and in general) it would be quite OP even if will only burn mana and be hero targeted single target spell. With 20 damage and mana per sec it is still like 2nd best aoe damage spell in game while having manaburn, low cd and manacost.
Laguna blades doesn't mention its damage.
Some spells like cannonball don't worth leveling them beyond 1 at all. I mean if concentration 1st level is enough to sustain full mp for the rest of game, cannonball gets tiny damage bonus for increased manacost. To be more viable to level than not to it should have aoe scaling from level or something like that. In fact it has damage per mana value lower than laser beam ultimate which compensates that by high level. So once you get aoe on 1 lvl of spell further leveling is only viable with almost unlimited mana.
Repulse Nuisance gives armor compared to strength of arm.
I am pretty sure bugged armor passive is seal of protection.

To balance you should in general find out what is valuable in spells. For example offensive spells have at least this aspects:
- burst damage. (alpha damage)
- poke damage. (dps + range + manacost)
- multiple targets/aoe.
- crowd control.

Spell should either be good in one thing or average in 2-3. If it is one of best in game in several aspects it gets OP and kind of auto win. You may consider it having e.g. 0-10 points in each with good value of 15 total.

Bots did neither bought items nor selected spells, not sure if that's how it's supposed to happen.
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Spells are a bit confusing and not many combinations can be done with them.
The AI is weak in my opinion and kinda silly.
I wanna see new spells.

Spells are a bit confusing and not many combinations can be done with them.
The AI is weak in my opinion and kinda silly.
I wanna see new spells.


Hello, I'm glad that you played my map.

Can you tell me which spells are confusing and the reason (the effect, the balance, the description, the icon)?
I think there is for the moment a lot of combinations (maybe not enough for you). Spells are given randomly and there are 342 spells for the moment, so you have to do multiple games to see them all. I will add some more spells when my game will be playable.

Bots are there for testing (they are bad) it's not for gaming it allow the player to pick spells and test them on bots I didn't played them for an entire game with them.

Thank you a lot for your review and rating. Have a nice day.