[Spell] Melee AI questions and alternative Melee AI (except AMAI)

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Level 3
Nov 11, 2021
I would like to know is there some existing solutions/building blocks for improved custom melee AI (for a less fragile build sequence and native bug workarounds).

I took a look at AMAI, however I consider it not good for custom melee and would like to look for others.
(AMAI overfit into Melee rules/not designed for customization (beyond some priority values), implementing questionable routines in AI script, doing tricky behavior (with no doc) and with questionable engineering.)

And some AI script questions:
  1. How to communicate between AI script and trigger?
    1-A. How to send message from AI script to trigger?
    1-B. Trigger CommandAI() only sends two integer at once, is there anyway to send payloads more efficiently?
  2. Is there a list of known working common.j APIs in AI context? (AMAI is a useful source in this aspect)
  3. Is it possible to write log in AI context?
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