Item Restriction System[/URL][/SIZE][/B][/sup]
[B]Type:[/B] System
[B]Category:[/B] JASS, JESP
[B]Author:[/B] [URL=""]Doomlord[/URL]
[IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [sup][sup][B]([COLOR=SeaGreen]Recommended[/COLOR])[/B][/sup][/sup]
[r][IMG][/IMG][c][sup][B][SIZE=3] [URL=""]Debug I/O[/URL][/SIZE][/B][/sup]
[B]Type:[/B] System
[B]Category:[/B] vJASS
[B]Author:[/B] [URL=""]Almia[/URL]
[IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [sup][sup][B]([COLOR=SeaGreen]Recommended[/COLOR])[/B][/sup][/sup]
[SIZE=1][CENTER](As for the new adjustments of the news batch, the Projects Spotlight for May will merge with June)[/CENTER]
[*][B]Zephyr Contest #10 - [URL=""]What lies on the other side[/URL][/B]
[*]The Poll will start soon so be ready to choose your vote.
[*][B]Icon Contest #11 - [URL=""]A Hero's Skillset[/URL][/B]
[*]The Poll has started, please vote your wanted candidate here: [URL=""]LINK[/URL].
[*][B]Techtree Contest #8 - [URL=""]The Seal of Magus[/URL][/B]
[*]While waiting for appointed judges, the techtree contest's poll will be coming soon.
[*][B]Mini-Mapping Contests - [URL=""]Farming[/URL][/B]
[*]June 2nd will be the last day of submissions on around 10pm GMT+2.
None for now :ogre_hurrhurr:[/CENTER]
[hr]625[/hr][point]Community[/point][CENTER][size=8]Community Spotlight[/size]
[CENTER][stable][IMG][/IMG][c][SIZE=4][[B][URL=""]Vengeancekael[/URL][/B]][/SIZE][/stable][stable][c][c][c][B]Join Date:[/B] 08.12.2009
[B]Posts:[/B] 5,609 [[U]Ranking:[/U] 25th]
[B]Rep:[/B] 1986 [[U]Ranking:[/U] 11th]
[B]Hobbies:[/B] Map making
[B]Blizzard Games played:[/B] Warcraft III & Starcraft II
[B]Map making debut:[/B] Aug 15, 2009[/stable][/CENTER]
[table][B]31st May 2012[/B][c][B]Top Rated Map[/B]
[r][IMG][/IMG][c][sup][B][SIZE=3] [URL=""]Beyond Darkness[/URL] [/SIZE][/B][/sup]
[B]Type:[/B] Role Playing Game / RPG
[B]Category:[/B] Medieval / Warcraft
[B]Downloads:[/B] 3189
[IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [sup][sup][B]([COLOR=SeaGreen]Highly Recommended[/COLOR])[/B][/sup][/sup]
[r][B]9th March 2011[/B][c][B]Top Rated Tool[/B]
[r][IMG][/IMG][c][sup][B][SIZE=3] [URL=""]Map Description Generator[/URL] [/SIZE][/B][/sup]
[B]Type:[/B] Tool
[B]Category:[/B] Useful (For Map Descriptions)
[B]Downloads:[/B] 240
[IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [sup][sup][B]([COLOR=SeaGreen]Highly Recommended[/COLOR])[/B][/sup][/sup][/table][B][SIZE=6]Awards Showcase:[/SIZE][/B]
[stable][IMG][/IMG][c][B]Former Staff Member[/B] - [I]This user used to be on the Hive Workshop staff.[/I]
[r][IMG][/IMG][c][B]User of the Year[/B] - [I]2012[/I]
[r][IMG][/IMG][c][B]Merit Badge - Level 0[/B] - [I]This user has proven to be extremely valuable to the Warcraft III Modding Community.[/I][/stable][/CENTER]
As of May 21, 2013, former staff member [B]-Kobas-[/B] returns back as a [B]Resource Moderator[/B], primarily focusing on the maps section.
[*]Merit Badge #2's Poll will be coming soon, for those who haven't nominated a user that best fits the award, do please continue here: [URL=""]LINK[/URL]
[*]for now I would like to commemorate Vengeancekael in the community spotlight for his hard work writing the news.
[*]There will be new changes that I will be adjusting for the news especially the monthly batches, the Hive Warchief salutes!