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Massive Project Request

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Level 3
Aug 13, 2004
I want to make a campaign and I have most details worke out but I need modellers, skinners, testers, and whatever else for preparing this. I ask for people who will be able to do this. I know I have been vague so let me clarify...

The campaigns main "race" is Demons and the Heroes are Devils who are commanding an attack. This idea has been used by Blizzard with the Burning Legion and all the stuff, but we are going to make our own! The names, places, and races will mostly be different; though, of course, not too much since we don't want a massive map that takes 4 days to download.

The point is I need help since 1. I don't have a modelling or skinning program, and 2. I can't exactly do what I want to without tones of help if I want this done in a year or less (if possible). So anyone willing to sign up and help? If no one now I am going to start it and when I got the bases made and maybe post again in a few months when I need the custom stuff and testers.
Level 3
Aug 13, 2004
Ok so no one is interested, I understand and am sry for a double post but I though it would be better than opening up a new thread in a different forum and having to explain the whole iddea again. So I thought, since no one seemed interested, that I would give a little preview and see where that leads. If, still, no one is interested than I tried and thanks to anyone who even bothered reading. Generally I want to see if this is a good idea for a main character and for the building units and all that...

Hero Type: Magnate Hero Name: I have yet to think of...

He is Strength based but with fairly strong spellcasting ability. Generally I tried to make a Tauren Chieften with some Warden abilities, summoning, and support spells.


Sets a unit on fire that then runs around franticly burning any units it comes near (Destroys trees).

Planer Blink

After a few seconds of preparation, blinks in an explosion of fire from one point to another known location on the map.

Demon Rift (Advanced)

Opens a chasm in the ground where a group of demons crawl out of to fight for you, when the chasm closes the demons disappear.

Land of Fire (Ultimate)

Sets an area on fire which destroys trees, heals most demons/devils, and damages enemies and buildings.

Now I know the Ult isn't too original and inventive... I really wanted him to be able to make a large area into flame though. And F.Y.I. there is going to be 14 levels per hero and the skills go:
Basic- Level 1, Next level every 2 levels of hero; 3 levels
Advanced- Level 4, Next every 4 levels of hero; 3 levels
Ultimate- Level 7, Next every 7 levels of hero; 2 levels

That is the Main character and now my little preview:

Scene 1: Opening Cinematic

Map 1: The Abyss

Terrain: Dark Land (Likely black tinted water, dark dirt, blight, and boundary), Mists, Dark sky using cavern if possible (not sure how to do, but only matters for cinematic anyways. Many different levels in land with cliffs, etc; doodads consists of rocks and dead bodies.

Begin Cinematic: Intro to Devils 2nd in command

Open on group of small demons (Imps- Also basic melee demon) traveling in a group of 6. (Note- I want Imps to be built 2 at a time and share damage and healing at all times 50/50) As they walk through the blackness a chasm opens up in front of them! (This will be fairly big in size) They stop as the chasm explodes out with massive flames to reveal a large devil standing over it. (This demon will have a tail and 2 big horns that go from its forehead above each eye going back and ending in a point in the middle of its hunched back. Also, Note that the Chasm will be the demons version of Town Portal if possible- I understand that in the cinematic it doesn’t do that, but it looks good.) The Imps try to run and the devil (No name yet) kills 4 of them (Demons do not leave bones when they die-only a spirit that is a floating misty black orb), then explodes in flames and appears before the 2 left fleeing Imps who stop and cower.

“Wh… What do you want!?” The Imps demand together (That will be one of the sayings they have when custom voices are done)

“You pathetic pair of demons will spread a message. You will tell all others you meet that the Devils have found a way to go to the mortal plane.” The devils voice is grating and deep. At its words the Imps get excited and run away in a hurry; when gone from site a misty form just bigger than the Imps floats out behind the devil (Can be a shade and keep the sound set but will change to only see the eyes that are white and the rest is black mist if possible; this is called conveniently called a Mist-reconnaissance unit)

“The master is pleased with your performance…” the voice is hissing and sounds like an echo.

“Now we just wait for them to come to us…” The Mist disappears into the darkness and the devil explodes into fire; then, the scene fades black panning slowly up.

Panning down the scene fades back in on a new camera where the devil is waiting on a cliff. The camera watches as if it is one of the many demons in the crowd looking up to hear what the devil has to say. It announces to the group, “You are all here because you know the power of the Devils and believe that we HAVE found a way t the Mortal Plane! You are correct and will follow us there where we will concur and control it while enjoying the slaughter of the pathetic creatures that live there!” Roars and howls of approval follow the announcement.

Then, in the edges of each side of the camera, 2 more different large devils appear in an explosion of fire. The camera spins slowly in a circle to see more devils on cliffs of different height. All of the devils begin to chant and cast as runes and other special effects appear about them. The camera shakes and fades white.
F.Y.I. The devil introduced at the beginning is the Magnate if you didn't figure it out.

So is anyone interested in helping me? (By putting this little thing at the end it makes this still a request 8))
Level 6
Aug 22, 2006
Well looks like it could lead somewhere nice... or somewhere fiery *bad pun joke*. Either way, sounds good. I would offer help if i wasnt already busy with other projects, but I wish you well :)
Level 2
Sep 18, 2006
dont have modelling or skinning programs too but id be glad to help you test, and maybe a bit basic help with skills and names/areas/etc...
my current project is stuck untill my requested trigger arrives, so ill be happy to help
(currently something is wrong with my screen but should be fixed by tomorrow)
ill PM you?
PS: im also kinda good in designing areas, so give me a bit more info in a PM if you need my help
(and also dont let the kirby picture let you think i dont know how to design darker things ;) )
Level 3
Aug 13, 2004
Wow! I am totally suprised anyone was interested, let alone willing to help (not many try to help of here own free will :twisted: ) Anyways... I thought that I could do a little more to create further intrest (the current interest has spurred me on!) So, to recap, you know that the storyline starts with the main character, the Magnate, terrizing a pair of Imps into spreading the word of the Devils idea to concur the mortal realm. Then, they gather and are then casted apon by several of the devils to be transported to the mortal realm.

This is what I have written for the opening cinematic. Honestly I don't expect that to catch anyones interests anymore than, "Ya I'll help with some stuff..." so what else can I do that, hopefully, spark a "Ya! I'm in!"? Well I thouht that a thing on what will be included in the campaign would help:

-around 8-10 maps
-around 8 submaps
-unique building, training, and upgrading
-hopefully custom soundsets and music
-many custom model, and some custom skinning
-after more brainstorming, Custom spells

I have given plenty of spoilers in my last post, but incase you didn't read too much into the words I'll post them in plain terms:

-Unique Town Portals: You place a Chasm in the ground and while it lasts your units will be able to enter and appear at your "town hall".
-Death leaves a Black Floating orb of the demons "essence" (since they don't have souls) which will be used by other abilities and what-not (almost gave away too much)
-Unit: Imps will always be in pairs and both take half damage whenever one is damaged, and vice-versa for heals.
-Unit: Mist will generally be the informant for the Magnate from his boss; also a playable reconnaissance unit

That is all you get :p But if you help you can assist in thinking up better skills for the Magnate and also get inside spoilers on the rest of the map. So, as before: Anyone Interested?
Level 2
Sep 18, 2006
i love your spell ideas!
well i made some names, for items or heros
theyre based on latin and english cause i found out archimonde has a mix of words to (arch and monde means world) ill send them
Level 3
Aug 13, 2004
Well I'm posting for 2 reasons: 1 is to keep this at the top of the requests forum and 2 is to ask for more help.
I currently have a guy who does ideas and basic triggers, a mapper, and a modeller.

I need:
A Jass Triggerer
A Skinner
A Animater
Voices and Music (wont need those for a while)

All these aren't a big must right now seeing as we are still doing plot line and thinking up the units and all that. But just looking for future help.
Level 6
Aug 22, 2006
Music? Well, I can get you in touch with someone when its required. My friend, one of the many few composers (or at least the few who make themselves known) is on this site. His username is Potato_Fishy, and hes already made music for some of my maps
Level 3
Aug 13, 2004
Thanks, ill look into him


I forgot, I also need someone to do the Loading page(s) and the campaign screen and icon and interface and all that stuff.


I also need some spell people who can think up and trigger/jass sweet looking spells. Well I guess that goes with the advanced trigger person and jass person... I just realized that with all the people im asking for it sounds like im not doing any work... lol, well i thought of everything didnt i!?! Ok ya I don't need people despirately yet anyways since I haven't even started in editor. Go plot making and all the planning stuff!!
Level 2
Sep 18, 2006
actually, you even didnt make the idea... *gets strangled by an assassin*

kidding, but its no problem to ask for all those ppl, i get great ideas sometimes, but im rly bad at jass and stuff so i need help to

edit: quote: I currently have a guy
to you, its sir panda! ;)
Level 1
Aug 31, 2006
Musics? I'd be more then happy dude. I can do pretty much an style you can imagine. I'll wait until the project is a lot further in before i make anything though, I'd like to play a bit of it first.

I can show you some samples of stuff if you like?
Level 2
Sep 18, 2006
I'd be happy to help!

Hi i'm pretty new to map editing, only 1 year of experience, but if it's something you need help with, I'd be happy to help! I'm not good with making models, can manage to create simple skins(if i'm provided with a model), Can make spells, little bit of icons and objects(Heroes, Items or Doodads)...
PM me if I can help!
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