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[Trigger] Mass Charm

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Level 6
May 31, 2008
I am trying to make a mass charm, where you use either a chain lightning or forked lightning sort of spell. And the units hit by the spell will be charmed(or changed owner via triggers.)
Problem is, i have no idea how to either charm them via a dummy spell once they are hit by the spell, or how to create a group where all units hit by the spell, can later on be given to the right player via trigger. If i try use the normal triggers with unit finishes casting an ability and so on, just the first unit hit by the spell is charmed, not the other ones. So anyone have an idea how to make this mass charm work?
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
You could make a condition that when the unit gets hit by that 'Chain Lightning', the "Spell - Charm" will be used on it by a dummy unit:)
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