Map size too big!

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The limate of map size threw battlenet is a puny sad 4 MB.
You can reduce size of the map by opotmizing it or ultimatly writing all in jass for less trigger space.
Deleting modles is your only option because going from 6.88 MB to 4 MB will take a mirical with out deleating moddles.
The record amount trigger optomiziation reduced was 300 kb I think and thats for a vitualy pure triggered maps.
The reason you cant have more than 4 mb is to stop the transportation of ILEGAL data.
moddles take up the MOST space 1 modle can be 1 mb and thats 1/4 of your map space.
Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
...and in most cases, you can also encode it in mono, that makes it half as big without reducing the quality significantly. It just looses the stereo effect of two different channels; war3 will still expand it to both speakers.

In fact, custom music is the thing what really increases file size, much more than models. Models with 1 MB are rare, but 1Mb music is about 1 minute.
As bitrate, I recommend 128Kbps for stereo and for mono of course 64Kbps are enough. I'm sure that your music will become much smaller now! :wink:
Level 1
Feb 23, 2006
I have a question too... how can I play maps bigger than 4mb on my LAN? I Like to play RPG's with my friend and I just don't play them alone...
Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
you can't
the mapsizelimit for multiplayer maps in any way is 4 MB
therefore any map bigger than 4 mb can't be played in LAN or Bnet.
the only exception would be a turn-based hotseat map, but as far as i knew there are no such maps.

- Raszul
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