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Map questions and problems please help!!

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Level 2
Jan 11, 2006
Hello everyone :D 1.I need to know how to make my wisp dissapear after he selects a hero from an altar (im making an rpg map :p ) 2.I need to know how to change the max level of hero's 3.how do you change the gold and lumber u start of with :lol: 4.how do i make creeps respawn after 2 mins 5. some of the hero's in my altar have a countdown meter before i can hire them (like when u buy certain items) how can i get rid of this? Thank you everyone im sorry if they are noob questions but i cant figure them out :? .
Level 4
Dec 8, 2005
Ok i think i can help

1. Um... I'm not sure abut this one. I've never tried it useing a altar, I use small arenas to pick heros.

2. Ok I can help here. Go to Advanced(It's right next to Tools on the top) and click on Gameplay Constants. Scroll down till you see Hero Maximum Level(It's about half way down) then just set it to what ever you want.

3. Ok here you will need a trigger.(I think not sure if thers a better way :wink: .
Events - Map Initialization
Conditions - None
Actions - Player - Set Player 1 current gold(or wood) to 1000(or what ever you want)

4. Need a trigger here to.
Events - Unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies
Canditions - None
Actions - Wait 160 seconds
Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (Position of (Triggering unit)) facing Default building facing degrees.
Im not sure if this will work I've never tried it but give it a try and tell me if it worked.

5. Ok this is easy. Go into the Unit Editor pick the hero that don't work and scroll all the to the bottom. You should see 3 stats that say Stock Maximum, Stock Replenish Interval and Stock Start Delay. Set the first two to what ever you want them to be and set the last one to 0 that should fix it.

Well there you go. Plz tell me if something diddn't work.
Level 2
Jan 11, 2006
ok thanks alot!!! i got everything working except #1. also the trigger for respawning works well but i have a question to add on to that... do i have to do every single unit one by one? :lol: it might take awhile cause i have alot of creeps in my map :roll: .
Level 3
Jan 9, 2006
event: A unit enters (region the hero spawns)
condition: food of owner of triggering unit =5 or 6 (don't know how you did it)
action: remove random unit in region of type wisp owned by player, owner of triggering unit.
(i hope it works, and i also hope you understand my bad english.. :roll:
Level 4
Dec 8, 2005
That should be the only trigger you need. Because the trigger alwas should recreate the unit that died regardles of the unit type, as long as the unit that died was owned by Neutral Hostile, that way the trigger wont revive your heros if they die or somthing like that. It should work even if 2 or more creeps die at the same time :) . Just test the trigger by killing 2 or more diffrent types of creeps if you want but the trigger should work. Glad I could help :) .
Level 2
Jan 11, 2006
hmm i still cant get #1 to work when my hero steps on the regions outside the altars nothing happens, no wisps dissapear. ive fiddled around with it for awhile and i cant get it. btw the map is made for 2 people so 2 wisps :) . here is what i did:

Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 001 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 002 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 003 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 004 <gen>
(yes they all are where hero respawns)

Wisp 0000 <gen> Equal to Hero (wisp 0000 is player1's)

Unit - Remove Wisp 0000 <gen> from the game

Player 2 trigger is same but they are all wisp 0001

Anyone know what im doing wrong?
Level 4
Dec 8, 2005
Ok I think I can help with your 1st question now :D. The only problem is you will need 1 rigger for every hero :( . But it's not a long or hard trigger :D .

Events - Unit - A unit enters (Whatever the name of you region is)
Conditions - (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (Your Hero)
Actions - Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by (Owner of (Triggering unit)) of type Wisp) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Kill (Picked unit)

This should work but again I haven't tested it but tell me if it works because I might have to use it in my map :D

BTW you can copy and then paste the entire trigger after you make it once and just change the hero in the conditions part. That should help if you have alot of heros :wink:
Level 7
Jul 30, 2004
1337 s0u1 said:
hmm i still cant get #1 to work when my hero steps on the regions outside the altars nothing happens, no wisps dissapear. ive fiddled around with it for awhile and i cant get it. btw the map is made for 2 people so 2 wisps :) . here is what i did:

Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 001 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 002 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 003 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 004 <gen>
(yes they all are where hero respawns)

Wisp 0000 <gen> Equal to Hero (wisp 0000 is player1's)

Unit - Remove Wisp 0000 <gen> from the game

Player 2 trigger is same but they are all wisp 0001

Anyone know what im doing wrong?

please note what you wrote as a condition
i have no idea where you got Equal to Hero from, but i'm assuming its a variable

you are saying, only run this trigger if your wisp is the Hero

i highly doubt thats what you wanted

anyways, i can give you a very simple solution, it doesn't do anything fancy like i normally like to do, but

unit enters region (entire map)
unit classification is a hero == true //boolean comparison
//then like the other guy said
pick all units of type wisp owned by owner of entering unit
-- remove picked unit
-- move entering unit to position of picked unit //ok so that just makes the wisp turn into the hero
Level 2
Jan 11, 2006
again... nothing happened heres what i have...

Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 001 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 002 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 003 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 004 <gen>

(Wisp 0000 <gen> is A Hero) Equal to True

Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Remove Wisp 0000 <gen> from the game
Level 4
Dec 8, 2005
Ok I have copyed and pasted this trigger stright from the editor so just do what this says.

Events - Unit - A unit enters (Entire map)

Conditions - ((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True

Actions - Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by (Owner of (Entering unit)) of type Wisp) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Kill (Picked unit)

I'm sure this will work.
Level 7
Jul 30, 2004
1337 s0u1 said:
again... nothing happened heres what i have...

Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 001 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 002 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 003 <gen>
Unit - A unit enters Region 004 <gen>

(Wisp 0000 <gen> is A Hero) Equal to True

Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Remove Wisp 0000 <gen> from the game

alright, please analyse what you are trying to do

your condition is this
(Wisp 0000 <gen> is A Hero) Equal to True

think about this, you are saying
"Execute this trigger ONLY if the wisp is a hero"
now, obviously the wisp is not a hero, and never will be...

also, if you are just going to use this action
Unit - Remove Wisp 0000 <gen> from the game
you don't need to pick all players to do that, since its going to go

player 1, remove wisp 0000
player 2, remove wisp 0000, oh wait i already removed it, i do nothing now
player 3, remove wisp 0000, oh wait wisp 0000 doesn't exist
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