Which optimizer did you use with what options enabled?
Open the map in a MPQ browser and check the sizes of various files. Which file is growing in size?
He meant specifically which file in the MPQ (optimized map) is increasing greatly in size.
He means files like:
- war3map.doo
- war3map.j
- war3map.mnp
- war3map.shd
- war3map.w3a
- war3map.w3c
- war3map.w3e
- war3map.w3i
- war3map.w3r
- war3map.w3u
- war3map.wct
- war3map.wpm
- war3map.wtg
- war3map.wtg
- war3map.wts
- war3mapMap.blp
- war3mapUnits.doo
Just as DSG said. Get a MPQ opener, open the map BEFORE optimization, note every file size of all files (even in sub folders (It is best to screenshot these)). After you do this, open the map after optimization and check which files changed sizes. This will help us narrow down what exactly the optimizer is "inflating" the size of.
Also, why are you using old optimizer? Use v5 bro ;p
just go to wc3c tools where you downloaded 4.9, lol...
Don't know, try it ; P
Your Google skills must clearly be lacking...
All I did was type in "Warcraft3Campaigns map optimizer" (without quotes) into google search and it was the first result.
That is all I can deduce from the screenshots.Assuming left is after optimization and right is before, I can only conclude that the MPQ archive is not being compacted properly so is allocated a much larger size than it needs.
That has always been a problem and probably will remain a problem. Your best bet is to send a Private Message asking a map moderator if he can review your map.Off topic : Are the moderators on a vacation? Because they aren't rating my map I posted a few months ago...
That has always been a problem and probably will remain a problem. Your best bet is to send a Private Message asking a map moderator if he can review your map.