Make a blank epic size map with deep water and an island. Players start on the island with one transport ship and a worker. Make sure the minimap is not visible. Allow the players to roam the open seas trying to figure out what the hell they are suppose to do. Have constant tips telling them about building an empire in the new world, conquering titans in the caverns, destroying the temple of the void, and other fantasy ramble (Will keep them occupied). About 10 minutes in they will probably rage quit from wandering around what they will figure out to be is only a blank map.
-You could have little islands and what not, although not accessible, to make the empty make look filled and real keeping them traveling for longer.
-And you could have what seems to be the destination and some brilliant terrain of the coast. However have tons of tuskar natives with shadowmeld hiding in the trees so when the player lands they are instantly mauled.
-Also make sure you post a decent map description and a great icon so it looks legitimate.