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Map Creation Questions.

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Level 5
Nov 13, 2007
Hi everyone! I have a lot of questions to ask about WE. I have been trying to make my own map now and days and most of the times, I don't have the power to do it, therefore I need to ask here. Well, I am a noob in WE so please don't flame.

The main questions are that I'm trying to create a map similar to Bug Evolution, therefore, settleing and killing off the other team. Now I'm trying to create a map of instead of Bugs, it is Panthers and Lions, therefore, panther vs. Lions. This idea might be lame, but please help out. I want to ask that:
-How do you delete doodads or units on the map?
-How to set triggers for like when you start the game, all the players will be scattered all over the map.
-How to set spawn place at a certain place.
-How to set a specific player to be a certain unit.
-How to set the victory sign when a team accomplish their goal.
-How to auto-respawn units such as computors.(neutral)

Well, thank you for answering my questions. Sorry If I ask these nooby questions. If you guys can, could someone add me on AIM, so I could ask if I need help thanks. My SN is layzab0ne. Thanks.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2007
Q1 . Select and press Del.
Q2 . Event - Map Init, Unit - create unit @ random position in playable map area.
Q3 . Region settings
Q4 . What you meant?
Q5 . Sign? Signal?
Q6 . You should browse through THW for auto-spawn triggers tuts.
Level 5
Nov 13, 2007
Q1 . Select and press Del.
Q2 . Event - Map Init, Unit - create unit @ random position in playable map area.
Q3 . Region settings
Q4 . What you meant?
Q5 . Sign? Signal?
Q6 . You should browse through THW for auto-spawn triggers tuts.

Well thanks for some lol.
Q4.I mean by like if I want color blue to be the only squirrel in the game.
Q5. And yes the sign, that shows you win.
Q6. I'm a little confused on that.
Thanks for some of the things. I got the random spawn working. But I'm confused about the uhh like everytime when I save, I have the like the settle point of every color.( The Circle Thing that everytime when you spawn, you begin with a townhall.) I don't know how to delete that. Please help!
Also I want to ask how do I like get the goal into the trigger like for instance killing off the other team, because when I try to get on red and it automatic says I win...even when every color spawn their footmens.Please help.
Thanks!Do you have AIM or some short of Messenger or anyone?because I need help now and then.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
The 'Settle point' is actually called the 'starting point'. Without it the game will probably refuse to run your map. If you don't want the player units to spawn goto trigger editor. Look on the left side. Select 'melee initialization' and hit delete. That way no starting units will come up.
Level 1
Feb 4, 2008
Please, i dont have the time to read all the other posts.
Question by question.

-How do you delete doodads or units on the map?
You can delete via the 'object manager' its in the 'module' tab and its the image of a grey box, also, hotkey is F11.

-How to set triggers for like when you start the game, all the players will be scattered all over the map.
Event> Map initialization
if(player_slot_status(player1(red)) = Is-Playing)........Create unit facing angle(1 WATEVR for (player1(red))
and do whatever for each player.

-How to set spawn place at a certain place.
Ok, i just wasted my time on the last question then.
You can use triggers to place units with offset, still use the if, but do it like this:
if(player_slot_status(player1(red) = Is-Playing)......create 1 WATEVR for (player1(red)) at ((center of (playable map area)) offset by (0.00,0.00)) facing BLAH degrees.
You can find the offset by looking at the bottom of the screen while having your curser on the spot.

-How to set a specific player to be a certain unit.
Well, just change the 'create 1 WATEVR' in the triggers.

-How to set the victory sign when a team accomplish their goal.
well, thats hard for me to help since i dont know what you exactly want, you can do a trigger that when the 2nd last char dies in makes the last char win, but i cant be bothered writing it out.

-How to auto-respawn units such as computors.(neutral)
well the easiest way i can think of is regions, make a region where that exact spawned unit is and, go
EVENT > EVERY (seconds inbetween respawning) OF GAME (((((periodic event)))))
if(((number of units in (units in (REGION))) not equal to (INT)) then do (create (number of units in(units in(REGION)) - (INT)) 1 CREEP for (NEUTRAL-HOSTILE) at (center of(REGION)) facing (WATEVR) degrees.
with INT being the ammount of units supposed to be there, and REGION bein the area, with CREEP being the monsters that are spawning.
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