• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Mandarin Warrior

EDIT: ummm wtf at stupid skin resubmission error....blah this is a pain one sec asdf. WTF at text smoosh and cut out >< Dieee uploaderrrrrOkay.....guess its desided not to bug out now. Mainly fixed sheild and some minor shading on the mask. I still dunno how to make lines smoother though, working with somthing this small is like headachy pixal work lol ><This skin is heavily inspired by the Mandarin Spawn figures by McFarlane Toys. And no this isn't based on an orange =P Constructive crit welcomed and remember to mention me in your map credits if you use this skin =PFilepath: Textures\Bloodelf-Spellthief.blp

Mandarin Warrior (Texture)

THE_END: KR! This is a sick skin, avery nice
Level 7
Jun 18, 2005
Since the edit thing likes to hate me today:

EDIT: ummm wtf at stupid skin resubmission error....blah this is a pain one sec asdf. WTF at text smoosh and cut out >< Dieee uploaderrrrr

Okay.....guess its desided not to bug out now. Mainly fixed sheild and some minor shading on the mask.

I still dunno how to make lines smoother though, working with somthing this small is like headachy pixal work lol ><

This skin is heavily inspired by the Mandarin Spawn figures by McFarlane Toys. And no this isn't based on an orange =P Constructive crit welcomed and remember to mention me in your map credits if you use this skin =P

Filepath: Textures\Bloodelf-Spellthief.blp