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making unit able to walk throught other units

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Level 11
Jul 17, 2013
is it possible to make it so a unit can go throught other units? i have been looking at other threads

i have seen answer about windwalk, the problem is i dont know if hero will always manage to use windwalk, he can be stunned sometimes. more over the windwalk changes the way hero looks. it gives him the art transparency effect and i dont really want it

the invisiblity from soccer doesnt allow you to go throught other units, it just makes unit invisible

adding ghost ability to units, i dont know really i have a lot of units, i would have to create temp groups near the target to add ghost ability to all units then remove ability, and if units walk too far then ghost ability might not be removed from them.

i cannot turn off colission for unit because then he can walk throught tress and cliffs and i dont want that i just need a way to make unit able to walk throught other unit.

if you need to know what i need it for then its for knockback, if unit X is knockbacked while unit Y is behind him then unit x will be stuck and wont be moved because unit Y is blocking him.

that could be solved by adding walkability checker and turning colission for unit off, but the problem is that i dont really trust walkability checkers, the one is use is bit buggy and it sometimes throws units into tress but hardly ever, maybe some 1 could share a proper walkability checker?
Level 5
Aug 14, 2020
is it possible to make it so a unit can go throught other units? i have been looking at other threads

i have seen answer about windwalk, the problem is i dont know if hero will always manage to use windwalk, he can be stunned sometimes. more over the windwalk changes the way hero looks. it gives him the art transparency effect and i dont really want it

the invisiblity from soccer doesnt allow you to go throught other units, it just makes unit invisible

adding ghost ability to units, i dont know really i have a lot of units, i would have to create temp groups near the target to add ghost ability to all units then remove ability, and if units walk too far then ghost ability might not be removed from them.

i cannot turn off colission for unit because then he can walk throught tress and cliffs and i dont want that i just need a way to make unit able to walk throught other unit.

if you need to know what i need it for then its for knockback, if unit X is knockbacked while unit Y is behind him then unit x will be stuck and wont be moved because unit Y is blocking him.

that could be solved by adding walkability checker and turning colission for unit off, but the problem is that i dont really trust walkability checkers, the one is use is bit buggy and it sometimes throws units into tress but hardly ever, maybe some 1 could share a proper walkability checker?

fly,,,,flying units with no height they can pass other units but cliff as well,I think u should use triggers
Level 11
Jul 17, 2013
You propably then have trigger/triggers that interfere with it. I have used this for a long time and never had any issues.
i cant really find reason of it, if i give it to only few starting units then it never has any issues, but when i give it to mid or late game unit it errors, i think it will be simplier to use other system

fly,,,,flying units with no height they can pass other units but cliff as well,I think u should use triggers
maybe have u got good walkability checking system then?

Raging Slam v1.10 i need this spell but it allows units to go to tress or out of map
Level 5
Aug 14, 2020
i cant really find reason of it, if i give it to only few starting units then it never has any issues, but when i give it to mid or late game unit it errors, i think it will be simplier to use other system

maybe have u got good walkability checking system then?

Raging Slam v1.10 i need this spell but it allows units to go to tress or out of map
use ghost ability with jass,do u have knowledge of jass?
Level 11
Jul 17, 2013
use ghost ability with jass,do u have knowledge of jass?

Why do you want knockbacked units to move through other units? It makes sense to me that they shouldnt be able to move through other units. If a unit gets stuck as you say then the issue seems to be with the knockback system.

If unit y is behind unit x. The road of unit x is blocked and he cant be knockbacked. Its a 3d knockback so IT would mąkę sense for him to be able to go over other unit. In my map theres also a lot of units so if units can block eachother from knockback then knockback is pointless IT wont happen often. Note this issue is only there if i dont turn off pathning of unit.

When i turn IT off unit can get inside Teress. I dont have any good walkability system and idk really how to add
Level 21
Feb 27, 2019

If unit y is behind unit x. The road of unit x is blocked and he cant be knockbacked. Its a 3d knockback so IT would mąkę sense for him to be able to go over other unit. In my map theres also a lot of units so if units can block eachother from knockback then knockback is pointless IT wont happen often. Note this issue is only there if i dont turn off pathning of unit.

When i turn IT off unit can get inside Teress. I dont have any good walkability system and idk really how to add
I see. That makes sense. The options I see is adding crow form ability and have a system to check for pathability, add ghost ability to nearby units then remove it when not needed or try another system. So nothing new really. I will be pretty busy so probably cant try to give any ideas for such a system.
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