You make models with a special 3D-Modelling program,
the best program is i think 3DSMax, but it's very expensive.
I'm working with Milkshape 3D, others prefer GMAX (free tool).
I suggest start working with the "Oinkerwinkletools" free downloadable tools, used to modify ingame models (eg. removing parts, like weapons from them) or transfer the animations, or make for example a footman with the head of a knight.

There are many tutorials here at hive workshop, but also tutorials on the web page of oinkerwinkle tools. (OinkerWinkle Homepage)
You will also need the WC3Viewer or Magos Model Editor (I prefer Magos)
to extract the ingame models from the MPQ Folder.
You need a MDLX converter, too, for converting .mdx (Warcraft-Format) to .mdl (Oinkerwinkle-Format).
You can find all these tools in the tools section of HiveWorkshop:
Greets chilla_killa