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Making A Shop [Reviewed: Ghan_04]

The Easy way to make a shop.....
Part 1
First create a simple map, Say a 32 x 32 cityscape map for a shop.
Now create a counter (To look good)
Now put a unit behind the counter, I'm putting a footman for a smithy.
Create a region in front of the counter.

Part 2
Next you must create your triggers,
Open the trigger editor and create a new folder, call it Shop.
Now create a trigger called Shop Initialization.
In this make event Map Initialization
Now for the actions. Go to diolog and create Diolog Button.
Edit Varaibles create a new Variable go to Diolog and call it Shop.
Select it, now edit text. I'm putting Armor for my first one.

Now make a new action, go to Set Variable.
Create a new variable and select Diolog button, Call it Armor.
Now use the new Variable (Armor) and set the action so its like this
"Set Armor = (Last created diolog button)"

Part 3
Now repeat the action but make the action like this

Diolog - Create a dioglog button for Shop labelled Exit
Set Exit = (Last Created diolog button)

Part 4
Next, Create a new trigger called Shop Armor Buy
The Event, go down to Diolog again and make it
A button is licked for Shop
Now make a new condidtion which must be
(Clicked diolog button) Equal to Armor
So now thats done make an action,
Two ways to do this bit
Way 1
go down to item and make a create item (What ever your item is) at the center of region "000"
Way 2
Go to hero click create item for hero and do it tht way.

But i'll use Way 1.

Part 5
Now create an exit trigger with the diolog button clicked equal to be Exit and action as Hide Diolog Shop.
But Now we have to make the shop appear or its useless.
Make a new trigger, call it Shop Enter. The event must be Unit Enters "region 000" and create a new action.
Scroll down to diolog and select Show Diolog Shop for onwer of triggering unit or in this case Plyer 1 (Red).

And thats it, Comment if you have anny problems or email me at [email protected]

Good luck!


  • (1 )Shop Tutorial.w3x
    14.6 KB · Views: 75
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
Rather basic, to be honest.
Though I suppose it gets the job done....

Anyway, some illustrations might be nice. Show some triggers at the very least. A large block of text is not very attractive....

I see this tutorial improving if you work some more on it. :)

By the way, why do you need a poll with a tutorial...?