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Making a dissipate animation using Magos' War3ModelEditor

How to make a dissipate animation from a decay flesh animation.

It is very simple, in fact you don't need an animating program to make a dissipate animation!

Easy: 3/10
Little Glossary
Parent: A parent has a child which depends upon the parent.
Parents have a +/- icon that you can click to show/hide their child.
Child: A child is dependent on its parent.
Step 1.
  • Open War3ModelEditor.
  • Open your model.
  • Click to sequence manager>Right click to Decay flesh click to Edit rename it to Dissipate and then
    set the interval to 2000, meaning:

    From : x
    To : x + 2000
    From :33333
    To : 35333

Step 2.
  • Click to windows>node manager.
  • Create a new bone and call it "Mother" for example, and move it to the top.
  • Right click to your new bone called Mother and click Move left until it's at the maximum left.
  • Make your new bone Mother the parent of every others bone and helper. This means right click to highest parent bone (or helper) and Move right usually you just have to make the helper called Bone_Root the child of the bone you've created.
    Or if there is no Bone_Root you have to spot parents bones or helper (highest parent is usually a helper) by hiding every child by clicking the +/- icon to hide every child so click on every " - " to hide every child.
    Then you got the highest parent bone.So then move it right so that it become the child the the bone Mother.
  • Right click on Mother > click to Edit Node click to Translation
    I assume that you have previously checked your new dissipate sequence interval so here we have 33333 to 35333.Then we have to add something like this:

    x: { 0, 0, 0 }
    x+2000: { 0, 0, 500 }
    So here we have:
    33333: { 0, 0, 0 }
    35333: { 0, 0, 500 }
    Very important: Set the interpolation type to linear

Step 3.
  • Go to Node manager right click Create Object event
  • Create a new event track to your object event. Set the number to the interval of your dissipate sequence x (33333 in this case) set:

    Type: Sound (SND) and then
    Data: DDSH - HumanDissipate

NB: You have to delete the corpse geoset and geoset animation that references it or it will be shown as your dissipate anim. Oh, and dissipate animations usually last around 2000 milliseconds.

I hope this tutorial is helpful and fast to perform if you understand the information.
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Level 1
Sep 14, 2007
Do you need tft or something else for this to work? because when i try to open it it says like c:/blizzard entertainment is missing or something like that. Help?
Level 5
Oct 7, 2007
Hey there :p
Callahan, got a Question.
How can i Speed up the Disscipate Process? My Model won't discipate Properly (It's doing it waaaaaaay too slow). And, I deleted the Geoset.- Geoset Animations which cause the Corpse. Is it normal, that Decay Bone doesn't show up?
Sorry the Troublesome, I'm new at Modeling :grin:
Level 1
Oct 16, 2007
man it doesn't work,and i need a model so i have downloaded one,anyway where can i find a tutorial to create or edit models(creatures)?I want to make a custom map and i want to be a good map.So plss give me some help anyone.
Level 2
Nov 18, 2007
yeah its cool this tutorial and i think you will help a lot of people especially me.
the dissipate animation is quite good but how can i make the waist go up than the rest of the body?
i've seen how looks a original dissipate animation and i saw the waist is up more than the body. also is a dissipate effect but this i think i can do it myself
Nice tutorial again!!:thumbs_up:
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Ehh... it doesn't work with me:
my base model is forest troll trapper w/o axes. and the only thing that happens is that my model appears half-transparent at some places where should be Team Color(at his hair and arm-guards) and he carries the ensnare web in his hand in-game, and when he dies he plays the dead anim and then just gone.i tries several times but all time same. but i tried with other model(the little goblin-in-barrel from the sappers) and it worked! and btw, garithos(the guy that looks like the knight but with an axe,shield,helm and hes ginger) got that dissipate, too...

EDIT:NVM, that worked! woohoo! thats SO COOL! now i got hero glow AND dissipate anim! woo hoo ty vm!!! as i get some rep, the first man to get it will be YOU!!! ALL CREDITS COME TO YOU CALLAHAN!