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Make a hero with 7 items

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Level 5
Jan 26, 2015
Its possible make a hero that have 7 items or more? the Ui interface show that you can make just 6 items but its possible? And If this is not possible, its possible make a hero with a ghost invulnerable with a union between the hero and this gost but this gost make other items and the other hero make your 6 items, you can have more items with union like a hero with ghost invulnerable and the ghost have a mod hero can take items and with a key of keyboard use the item in the backpack of ghost invulnerable? mi idea is make a hero but with 12 items if this is not possible make a 2 heros but one of them follow to other automatically. Just control one of then and the other use for backpack items just for invisibility or effects its possible?
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