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make a good RPG = hard help plx u.u

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Level 3
Mar 24, 2007
i'd like to know some stuff as i'm kinda noob with the world editor but i'm learning new stuff every day...
help plx
1 - i want to make a creep spawn without using the unit replacement trigger (i use GUI), something like when u kill a unit it will respawn at a defined place, not at the death location

2 - how to make a menu of spells (like defiance, when u click at the icon u see a menu of ur spells), but a little more complicated as u only get a spell to that menu if u buy an item and if u have the required class, a class menu shall appear after the hero selection

3 - how to make a menu to each hero that u pick a different menu, and more than that how to make a save code that saves the hero + the class + the items + the spells bought + the gold?????

4 - how to make an item/class restriction, kinda u can only use one weapon, one armor and u can only use if u're of such classes, at the tutorial forum there's the tazz way to do that but that couldn't be used at an RPG with so many classes and item types...

5 - is there an easier way to make the creatures drop loot without using variable like?
unit dies
unit-type of dying unit equal to xxxx
set variable = random number between 1 and 400
if variable = 1 then create item at dying unit
if variable = 2 then create item at dying unit

sorry for the "list" but i really am in need of help
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
1 - Store the position of every creep at map init

2 - Spellbook + the Add Ability to Spellbook bug. Vexorian posted a map demonstrating this at www.wc3campaigns.net, in the Demo Maps section of the Resources.

3 - Save code - Get a string ID for everything, then encrypt it

4 - Make the items a certain type (Miscellaneous, Powerup, etc), then make sure when a unit picks up an item they don't have any items of that type (excluding your potions item type)

5 - use an Item Table
Level 3
Mar 24, 2007
well everything usaid there will not work -.- at an RPG the creeps should respawn... so store the position of every creep at map init is discarted...
about the spellbook i want to know HOW to do it and the same is for save code... HOW to do... the items of the certain type i explained above why will it won't work that i need more kind of items to work, use item table doesn't work cuz of when the creature respawn the item table vanishes...
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
well everything usaid there will not work -.- at an RPG the creeps should respawn... so store the position of every creep at map init is discarted...
Err... you were wondering how to get where they started at. That's their position at map init. Just respawn them with the same ID so that it still knows where the respawn point is.

Spellbook - make a second spellbook, disabled for all players, which has the same Orderstring as the first. Add that spell into the spellbook. Then, when you want to add the spell in the spellbook, add the spellbook, and it'll add it to every other spellbook with the same Orderstring

Save code - depends on your map. Read up some of the ones in the spells section, but it takes more than 5 minutes

Items of a certain type - Whoops, missed that. Build giant arrays/strings that store all the items of each type, or use Level or HP of the item to denote their type

Item Table - Can't you add an item table with triggers? Bah... I was thinking of Itempools, JASS stuff. (and you would need to attach references to those with triggers, too)
Level 3
Mar 24, 2007
well now it got a MUCH better explanation but about the creep spawns... how to make the units respawn at the same place they started at the original map???? that's what i want to know... how to make them respawn at the original place
about the spellbook how to make one? u said how should i do supposing that i know how to make one
the save code i'll try to figure out by myself
about the items type u explained perfectly thx =]
about the item table... i don't use JASS as i said up there... then i'll try to make with variables like that or u got other sugestion?
thx for the help till now =]
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
i'd like to know some stuff as i'm kinda noob with the world editor but i'm learning new stuff every day...
help plx
1 - i want to make a creep spawn without using the unit replacement trigger (i use GUI), something like when u kill a unit it will respawn at a defined place, not at the death location

2 - how to make a menu of spells (like defiance, when u click at the icon u see a menu of ur spells), but a little more complicated as u only get a spell to that menu if u buy an item and if u have the required class, a class menu shall appear after the hero selection

3 - how to make a menu to each hero that u pick a different menu, and more than that how to make a save code that saves the hero + the class + the items + the spells bought + the gold?????

4 - how to make an item/class restriction, kinda u can only use one weapon, one armor and u can only use if u're of such classes, at the tutorial forum there's the tazz way to do that but that couldn't be used at an RPG with so many classes and item types...

5 - is there an easier way to make the creatures drop loot without using variable like?
unit dies
unit-type of dying unit equal to xxxx
set variable = random number between 1 and 400
if variable = 1 then create item at dying unit
if variable = 2 then create item at dying unit

sorry for the "list" but i really am in need of help

1 = I think it could be possible in some way to use one trigger, and then just add variables for the units and the spawn point ... but im not sure :p

2 = JASS, but also you could use a dummy unit

3 = what!?!

4 = if/then/else trigger, if a hero picks up an item he can not carry you must say 'if picked up item equal to = gloves then do drop item on shell an display message' or something like it, its very easy.. only requires time

5 = Mh, not that i know? whats wrong with that trigger? its a pretty easy way..
Level 3
Mar 24, 2007
hum... that really helps xD and purple poot is right about the coment... doing an spellbook is very easy with GUI, and the ur answer for the 4 question the wand mirror it really won't work... i'm thinking about using the way that purple pruposed up there making item types equal to hp of the item and stuff like that, that was a great solution really helps =]
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