Magos lag and another problem

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Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Okay... Magos simply refuses to save some files as MDL. For now those are only based on HeroDemonHunter_Portrait.mdx and NighElfCampaign3D.mdx. MdlX Converter does the work, but I still wonder why Magos does this. It also has become extremely laggy when viewing a model and working in Model Editor.
Level 7
Jan 13, 2008
i know how to solve the problem the thing is when i use magos i edit allready existing units and when i try to save as mdx it doesent work but when i save over an allready existing file it works pretty wierd for example i use footman as mdx file in a folder map and then i edit demonhunter in magos and when i save and overwright footman it works as mdx lol wird oOo... and nhazul can u plz get on skype sum time i wana talk with ya m8 :Cheers:

ohhhh sry i saw this after. u trying to convert to mdl :S then i dont know
Level 8
Jan 11, 2008
Same case here. Magos' W3ME does not lag on my PC but the MDL conversion problem still exists. Also simply overwriting an MDL file is also not the solution. Even I do not know why especially when it has no trouble opening, rendering and editing MDL files.
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