Hello Archimonde supreme (without Mr.),
Ah, Chaos race. They have the advantage of having very high damage, compared to the same price for other races. And to anwser specifically for the Raider, the reason why his damage are higher is that he 1) is Melee (melee units have generally higher damage compared to ranged units, for the same price) and 2) he only attacks land units (as compared to units attacking both land and air units, for the same price). That explains why you think his price is low for his damage, but in fact, he is not that good.
Level 5 is just a regular wave (Arachnatid) : when compared to level 7 (Horse), they have same armor and less health points (150 vs. 245), same movement speed, and the number of spawned creeps (20) is the same for both. You "should" feel they are easier than Level 7.
Level 6 is the first air wave (Vulture), they are intentionally "easy" because they are the first air wave : players were getting surprised, even though everything is announced. That is probably why you find Level 5 harder than Level 6, it is intentional.
As for the Wall of the Magi : its initial damage, at Level 1, is 40-40 (Chaos) and 20-20 (Magic). We could reduce the initial damage to 35-35 instead. I will implement that, thanks.
The Raider's ability to reveal invisible units is "not that good". First of all, you need to cast it constantly to reveal new units (creeps are now spawned in "one shot", they are spawned periodically, "one by one"). Second, it is mana-consuming : the Raider's mana regeneration is not that high, and casting constantly the spell will lead you to be out of mana, and you won't be able to reveal any new spawned units. To be pretty honest with you, it is the worst "revealing invisible units ability" when compared to other races. The other abilities are far more convivial. This is also why the cooldown is very low : you need to cast it every 2 seconds to reveal new spawned units, since they are not all spawned at once. And, 6 seconds is not that high if you have a big maze
Yes, as I explained earlier, Chaos race has highest damage, but it lacks in other stuff. Yes of course your Unstable Tower might "be strong" in your perspective, but they are also very weak (against "agressive" wave), they get destroyed pretty fast. And chaos race do not have a lot of protecting/healing abilities... They are, at a certain point of the game, only good for mazing, not for killing, even if you max Chaos Mastery (10 levels).
You should try another race to compare with your experience with Chaos. They really do have differences/pros/cons.
Again, I thank you for your great words and for the time you took for giving me inputs.
Sincerely yours,