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Mage Arena 1.06

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Mage Arena 1.06:


- Story:

Every 10 years,a tournament between 2 mage clans is being held. An epic battle of sorcery skill that will prove whose magic teachings are better. You start as one of 4 mages from your clan,striving for victory that will bring glory to both you and your clan.

- Modes:

NORMAL:: this is team mode, we have two teams (red & blue). Your team needs to get amount on kills needed for victory.

FFA: free for all mode, you fight alone againts other opponents to get amount of kills needed for victory.

- Spells:

On start players can chose from 3 class of Mages; Fire, Poison or Frost (more coming soon). Depend of class that you chose you will have 1 unique ability. You also have 2 other basic spells on start. All spells can be upgraded or you can learn new spells, for that you need power.You need 2 power to upgrade spell, and 3 power to learn new spell. Each Mage can learn only 3 new spells.

Basic spells:

1. Fire Bolt (Fire Mage)
2. Frost Bolt (Frost Mage)
3. Poison Bolt (Poison Mage)
4. Blast (All)
5. Fly (All)

List of spells that you can learn:

1. Meteor
2. Kamikaze Sheep
3. Bouncing Missile
4. Ghost Walk
5. Hex
6. Soul Bolts
7. Swap
8. Lifesteal Orb

- Power&Gold:

Power: You get 1 power when you kill enemy hero. Power can be used for upgrading spell,learning new spells,for special items.

Gold: Gold is used only for basic items and you get gold for kills just like power.

- Archmage: (only in normal mode)

Every team have Archmage, he works like support unit.He cant move but you can pay him with power, and he will cast negative spell on all enemy players or positive spell on friendly units.

- Runes&Bonuses:

Every few seconds runes or gold bonuses will spawn on random locations on arena.

- Items:

Items are not so important in this map. Map contains 3 different shops, in some shops you can buy weak items for gold or in others stronger items for power.

- Random Events:

Every few minute random event will happen on the map. It can be positive for Mages or negative.

- Credits:

-Kobas-, NFWar, S4nji, DatnessX, Paladon, Alastor, Elenai, Happy Tauren, Krisserz, MORTAr-, Calex3, -BerZeKeR-, Maker, Will The Almighty, Aspard, Goos, Xiliger, Tjordell and Rmx.

This map is protected

Changes in 1.02 Beta :

- New spells to learn.
- Some Terrain changes.
- Spell Balancing.
- New Runes, Bonuses, New Archmage spell.
- New items.
- Improved Map Info (F9).

Changes in 1.02 Beta :

- Now learning and upgrading of spells cost less power (for faster game).
- Terrain changes.
- Tooltips changes.
- Spells balancing.
- Items cost changes.
- Small spell changes.
- Minor bug fixing.
- List of Credits updated.

Changes in 1.03 Beta :

- New Mage class.
- Terrain changes.
- New ability to learn.
- Spell and Item balanse.
- Random Events added.
- Some small bugs fixed.
- List of Credits updated.

Changes in 1.04 :

- Switch system.
- New spell to learn.
- Lot of spell improvements.
- Some item changes.
- 1 New icon.

Changes in 1.04a :

- 2 bugs fixed.
- Item changes.
- Tips added.
- Some Archmage spells cost more power to cast.

Changes in 1.05 :

- New Loading Screen and Preview image.
- New spell to learn.
- New Item.
- Item changes.
- Spell balancing.

Changes in 1.05a :

- Some spell changes.
- New spell for Archmage.
- Log with informations at the end of the game.
- Some new effects.
- 2 New runes.

Changes in 1.05b :

- Some spell changes.
- Map is smaller. (file size).
- Bugs fixed.

Changes in 1.05c :

- Poison Bolt improved.
- 2 Bugs fixed.
- Some item cost changes.
- New model for Poison Bolt.

Changes in 1.06 :

- New game mode FFA.
- Spell balance.
- Small bugs fixed.
- Some new effects.
- Minor Terrain changes.

Mini Game,Arena

Mage Arena 1.06 (Map)

20:40, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Ok let see...

Map don't have single player, so i play map about 15 seconds each time! :razz:

But i can see that quest menu and that stuff with power gold, is very nice!
Also spell effect are awesome, jump and firebolt are really good! :thumbs_up:

But i think that map really need more work!
You should post map in Map Development forum.

Btw, work hard and this can be very interesting and awesome map!
Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
Tried the map.
I liked it a lot ( owned a few guys :D )
I think for a BETA this deserves a 5/5
I'll wait for later versions before I cast my vote but I still love the map :)
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Kobas ofc that map need a lot of work as you now this is beta :grin: Map dont have single player becouse this is arena or arena/mini game,but as you say i can add AI..,i will do that in future versions...tnx for comment!

Tnx Vankata,we work on new version :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Jun 23, 2009
Great map. It's awesome. It's a nice arena map, not too big, not too small, and the abilities are good. Had fun playing it (I killed a lot of people in a row). However, the Fire Bolt's aim is a bit tricky as sometimes it flies over the place where you chose to hit and sometimes it hits where you want it to. Either way, it's a great map, and I'd give it 4/5 now. Can't wait to see what is updated in future versions.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Tnx for comments guys, we will make little pause and then we will start to work on first real version, with lot of improvements and new things i hope :wink::spell_breaker:


  • Towers of Apocalypse 0.1.w3x
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Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
I've got a question lavar3 do you play on Garena...I have the felling I first played Mage Arena with someone with a similar name. :/ Sorry if I'm mistaking.(...again :D )
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
When you see that someone diying all the time and play like noob, be shure that is Lavar 3 :razz::grin:

Totaly agree with this,since when i played last 3-4 games with lavar3/ov3rpow3r,i was killing his whole team,including him, with 2vs3 ( i was in team with 2 members :xxd: )

EDIT: Freeze/Laza87 was in dying team aswell
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Level 19
Feb 25, 2009
Hm.. really good map, had alot of fun playing it with the creators :p
But it needs some balances, and this, poison type of mage is a little bit suckie

Better add the lightning mage and the arcane, would be nice.

If you are looking for ideas on the new mages, gimme a PM/VM and I will share my thoughts.
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
Hm.. really good map, had alot of fun playing it with the creators :p
But it needs some balances, and this, poison type of mage is a little bit suckie

Better add the lightning mage and the arcane, would be nice.

If you are looking for ideas on the new mages, gimme a PM/VM and I will share my thoughts.

A bit off-topic: "playing it with the creators" - Who were you playing with? o_O
Also poison mage isn't really bad,i pwn with him using hit 'n' run tactic.
About new types of mages,we'll see about it,probably in some of next versions.
And about ideas,feel free to post 'em here,or PM me or Freeze :cute:
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Hm.. really good map, had alot of fun playing it with the creators :p
But it needs some balances, and this, poison type of mage is a little bit suckie

Better add the lightning mage and the arcane, would be nice.

If you are looking for ideas on the new mages, gimme a PM/VM and I will share my thoughts.

No, Poison Mage is not bad, he deal damage over time so you cant kill enemy fast,that is problem (bad side), so you must us hit 'n' run tactic like Garfield. He deal damage over time but he also slow enemy, that is his good side.But i think that i will little increase damage over time, and make biger slow. If you wont to help giving us ideas for new Mages, just PM.
Level 4
Jan 29, 2010
A good idea is to set up a pre-designated room for people to go to to most likely find Mage Arena games hosted. Be it a TFT room or a (Country) RPG room. This way people have an easier time getting to play this.

Put Garena room name in Description. like "Come find us at (room) on Garena"
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
A good idea is to set up a pre-designated room for people to go to to most likely find Mage Arena games hosted. Be it a TFT room or a (Country) RPG room. This way people have an easier time getting to play this.

Put Garena room name in Description. like "Come find us at (room) on Garena"

Not bad idea, we will put that in version 1.05, tnx man :wink: And btw you can find this playing in Europe RPG rooms...
Level 3
Nov 16, 2009
I played it and i liked it. Nice spells, although i didnt like the poison mage. His ability doesnt do very much damage. What will the fourth mage be?
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Your map description is bad because there is 3 type of mages not 2!

You didnt read good it says 2 CLANS of mages, and 3 CLASS of mages.

We alredy made Shadow Mage but his ability is little anoying, so we didnt add him yet, we must get better idea for his unigue bolt spell. Now bolt do Silence to enemies (little anoying)....:grin:

Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
hmm... I gues somethig is a miss in description...

You think, your name in credits? :D That is becouse in map your name is on Loading Screen and others are in Map Info (F9) /Credits becouse you did more work then they. I just copy credit list from map to this description on Hive so thats whay your name missing. But i just edit this Hive description, and your now in credits :D