OK, you wanted me to tell what I think about the map, so I'll do it truly. Now prepare...
...was the best point of the map. Acceptable standard. A tip: you should rise the walls using Crtl+PageUp/PageDown to avoid that they sink into the town cliffs. All in all there were too few doodads, it wasn't detailed, you should add something here, too. 3.5/5
The effects were poor and senseless. What are these half-minute stills for? They make the cin even more boring than it is anyways, but effects should add action, not take it. The yellow flare looks senseless, much too big and looks out of place. The fights seem endless, there is nearly no change in them. 2/5
Bad. The camera moves through objects, sometimes moves not at all for a long time and the moves itself often have edges in them. Shaking is a nice effect, but gets terribly annoying after some time. Only positive is that you use low perspectives and not too far views, continue doing that. 2.5/5
Very bad. The music doesn't make sense and doesn't seem to have any connection to the picture, its main problem is the lack of any changes. Compression is OK, but even ingame music could have done the work as filmmusic much better. Sounds weren't any custom, if I heard correctly, but that's not the problem. 2/5
Well, I think I didn't understand everything, but as far as I did, I'd say it wasn't very interesting. They just attacked the town and that was it; no reason for the attack or anything. 3/5
The size is OK in my opinion. But the music is a bad choice, this piece wasn't worth its 4.5 MB. The models all have bad animations, but I think you can't advance that (me not, too). But to let them speak while they have no portrait at all, looks just bad. When I watched the cin the second time, there were many yellow flare special effects created, so many that the fight itself could not be seen anymore. 2/5
All in all:
Terrain 3.5 (30%)
Effects/Movement 2 (15%)
Camera 2.5 (15%)
Music/Sound 2 (15%)
Story 3 (15%)
Performance/Optimization 2 (10%)
All in all 2,675/5
Better than the last version, but still very much to improve, I think. The biggest problem is that it is much too long for its content, cut it to half of the length and it's twice as good.
Yours truly,