Lost Ruins
Created by CroMoX
Map Info
Welcome everyone to my map page. Lost Ruins is a 2 player melee map, where two people are put against each other and they are to verse (Melee). Lost ruins is a continuation from
Lost Shallows, but is a different game mode, since I always wanted to work on a melee. Here is the description for my map;
The Island that was found by the explorers expanded further to ruins in the distance, and they colonized here, but they are not alone. Not only are there sea monsters, but there are other settlers nearby.
This map has several features;
- 2 Waygates
- 2 Goblin Merchants
- 2 Taverns
- 1 Goblin Laboratory
- 4 Gold Mines (2 starting, 2 expanding)
Creep camps also are;
- 4 Green Camps
- 10 Orange Camps (Including starting position)
- 1 Red Camp
Now some tips I would suggest for the user who plays this map;
- Zone Control (see screenshots for what this means) is a massive thing in this game. In order for you to expand to the enemy base later on into the game, you must have good control over your base to push forward into theirs. So if possible try seize the third goldmine before the enemies do.
- Ambushing is a major part as well. You can do this easily by using the two waygates located to the south and the north of the map, which allow you to easily ambush the enemy team which is going for a goldmine
- Rushing; I would suggest this for either undead or humans, since they can make units early quickly without much cost and time. Now while you can rush, the waygates are guarded by monsters, so if they haven't taken them yet, prepare to lose some health before you hit there base.
Daredeamon - Tester and Ideas
Remixer - Ideas
Thank you to everyone who downloads this map, please leave a comment below and give me a rating, so I can improve for the next map (Also so you can tell me what you like).
Added some more terrain variation with height, and added some deep water in shallow water near shipwrecks
Fixed some path blockers, and added some minor terrain changes, and passive units (Birds, etc)