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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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OBS! when uploaded to hive the skin image to the right got strange don't judge from that.

Made this for my project since i've grown tired of the ordinary lordaeron grass.

It's based on a real life grass picture. First i took the picture, made a layer to re-paint it in 64x64 pixels. Then i started working on the texture itself.

Made using Gimp, MS paint, War3model editor and Warcraft 3 viewer.

Grass, Lordaeron, Nara-shikamaru, nara, Shikamaru, lords_grass.

Lords_Grass.blp (Texture)

17:16, 18th Apr 2010 67chrome: Tilesets come in two flavors, one with a 256x256px skin that, not counting the borders, has 2 tile variations. The other is used here, with the added advantage of another 16 tile variations. If you are going to use...




17:16, 18th Apr 2010
67chrome: Tilesets come in two flavors, one with a 256x256px skin that, not counting the borders, has 2 tile variations. The other is used here, with the added advantage of another 16 tile variations.

If you are going to use the skin size with 18 tile variations I expect to see 18 variations, all I see is the same pattern repeated over and over again with a little smudge of burn and dodge here and there to add a half-assed variation. If you don't want extra variations make this skin 256x256. If you do give the tiles actual variation.

Other than that it looks decent, though I can't say there is anything particularly different about it from any of the grass textures already in the game. See if you can add some uniqueness to this so there is some incentive to use it. Nice screen shot btw.