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Looking for Coders for NWU project

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Level 2
May 30, 2011
Naruto Wars Unlimited


Creator : Kroom

Main Coder : Muzk

Naruto Wars Unlimited is an AoS (Aeons of Strife) map, based on the anime/manga Naruto and Naruto Shippuden; the map also draws significantly on AoS games such as Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) and Heroes of Newerth (HoN), for its metagame. The map was created a little over 2 years ago, inspired by Naruto 3rd Shinobi Wars and the work done by Dream and Shinigami. The map features accurate portrayals of characters in the anime / manga, these characters battle on teams of up to 5, where each player is in control of a hero, whose ultimate goal is to destroy the opposing team's Base. Players must gradually build up their hero's strength in order to succeed in this task; players battle creeps (computer controlled enemies that fight in lanes), the opposing team's heroes, and even a mighty demon fox in order to acquire the necessary strength to defeat the other side.

Hi guys, Nwu Staff are looking for some Coders in order to help us with our map.

What kind of codes? since we are doing a share system somehow that take us alot of free time and we know is a very greetty move from our part but will help the develoment of the map. This why we cant made new heroes for the people that follow us, the community of NWU.

So im asking for help to make heroes for our map and give the people what they want.


-Use Jass for code.


-Credits to F9 and ingame message
-Affiliated to NWU forum
-Add web-side address in the map of your selection
-Assist from our coders if you start a map or need help
-Beta testing rights

If you are interested in help us just let me know about it via pm or giving me your mail.

Download the latest version of NWU
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Level 2
May 30, 2011
idk how viable naruto in war3 really is. can you explain more about the map like what is that share system?

Well we have more than 2 years with this map in war3 and there is people that follow us so it will not a waste of time for the coders who wanna be part of this.

Naruto Wars Unlimited is an AOS ''dota like'' map and the anti share system is for avoid when players want to pick your items and sell them , destroy them or use them.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
ok well one other thing to ask, are you using the heroes that are in the taverns now and new ones or are you remaking the ones in the taverns? for right now the heroes in taverns look like warcraft 3 heroes with naruto paint on them.

and when i say viable i mean like make the heroes feel like naruto and not lose the balance that is essential to a warcraft 3 custom game i haven't seen any naruto game for warcraft 3 custom game that is good, for they're all either imbalanced and feel like naruto, or they feel like warcraft 3 and not naruto, and are balanced. ^^ my guess is you're aiming for the balance of the game, but it comes at a loss of feeling like naruto. unless you could find a way to keep the feel and the balance, i wouldn't be able to support the development.
Level 2
May 30, 2011
ok well one other thing to ask, are you using the heroes that are in the taverns now and new ones or are you remaking the ones in the taverns? for right now the heroes in taverns look like warcraft 3 heroes with naruto paint on them.

In the map you can find 41 playable heroes with custom models ( naruto models) and we want to add new heroes not revamp the ones there.

Ofc we are aiming to the balance and the feeling of be a char from naruto.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
well i might be able to help you with spells for new heroes but don't get your hopes up. i'm pretty busy with the project of my own. send me a list of whatever i need to know like what characters you'd like to see completed or skills for halfway done characters you need done. i assume with all the artwork going on in the map there must be some models imported that haven't hit the taverns yet as they are uncompleted heroes? but the map is locked so i'm not sure what those models are right now.
Level 2
May 30, 2011
People please help this map, there are a lot of players, so give a hand with this :3

QFT :goblin_yeah: for real this map as i writte before will not a waste of time for those who want to help us.

I have like 7 suggestions that need to be made, that means 7 new heroes we just need you people give us a hand with that.
Level 2
May 30, 2011
Sup Folks im going to post here 1 suggestion in order to find 1 jasser who wants help us coding this in Jass.

Name: Sai
Alias: The Smiling Assassin
Role: Disable
Sub-Role: Support

A smile can get you out of a tough situation, even if it is fake."

Damage: 37-44
Range: 450
Armor: low
Move Speed: low
Attack Rate: medium

Strength: 18 (+1.50)
Agility: 18 (+1.50)
Intelligence: 22+(2.50)

Sumi Bunshin no Jutsu

Flavor Text: Sai produces an ink clone to trick enemies, any units foolish enough to attack and destroy the clone will be slowed by a surpise.
Spell Type: Clone Sai
Targets: Sai


Mana Cost: 85
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Radius: n/a
Range: Self
Cast Time: 0.30 seconds
Required Level:1/3/5/7

Activation: Upon activation produces a clone of Sai that deals 0% of his damage and takes 400/350/300/250% of the damage. Sai goes invisible for up to 5/6/7/8 seconds, with a reduction to his move speed (-10%) for the first 5 seconds. Enemies that attack and destroy the clone suffer from Smiling Surprise which affects units within a radius of 300.

Smiling Surprise
  • -80% Move speed for 1/1.25/1.50/1.75 seconds
Chōjū Giga
Flavor Text: Sai creates powerful beasts out of Ink.
Spell Type: Summon
Targets: N/A


Mana Cost: 100/115/130/145
Cooldown: 50/45/40/35 seconds
Radius: N/A
Range: Self
Cast Time: 0.20 seconds
Type: Unit(s) Summon
Required Level:1/3/5/7/

Activation: Summons 2 Chōjū Gigas have a life time of 35 seconds, 250 / 300 / 350 / 450 Health, 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Armor, base attack cooldown of 1.60/1.45/1.30/1.15 seconds, and deal 16 / 24 / 34 / 43 to 24 / 32 / 42 / 51 Physical damage with each attack.

Ruthless Root Anbu Training
Flavor Text: Sai takes command of a situation using his training, allowing his team to operate more efficiently.
Spell Type: Target Self
Targets: Self, Ally Units, Ally Summons


Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30/28/26/24 seconds
Radius: 500/600/700/800
Range: Self
Cast Time: 0.10 seconds
Type: Spell
Required Level:1/3/5/7

Activation: Ally units, summons, and self gain +4/8/12/16% Move speed and +12/16/20/24% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Sumi Nagashi
Flavor Text: Sai creates a series of ink snakes that traps enemies nearby.
Spell Type: Target Point (Channeling)
Targets: Enemy units


Mana Cost: 200/300/400
Cooldown: 180/160/140
Radius: 300/350/400
Range: 300
Cast Time: 0.15 seconds
Type: Spell
Required Level:6/11/16

Activation: Upon activation Sai channels for a 2.25/2.75/3.25 seconds, all units nearby are held for the duration of the channeling time. While held units may not attack, use items, use spells, or move; units also suffer from the debuff Ink Poison.

Ink Poison
  • Suffers -2/4/6 Armor
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Level 2
Dec 31, 2009
EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT runs when a unit has already waste mana, so you can check in her spells if Presence.lvl > 0 then { // add % of mana depending of spell }

How? just see 'ManaCost' in abilities .. not hard they are scaled... you can do sth like: real mana refill = Percent*(base+increment*abil_lvl)

For example, Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu cost 120 in all levels...

hero and the move & atk speed cant be stacked like the other spell you requested...
It is posible, there are some targets spells that increase MS and AS ... you can use Dummy units to cast them. The rest is just play with: GetUnitAbilityLevel(allyUnit,ConfidenceBuffId)>0 & UnitRemoveAbility(allyUnit,ConfidenceBuffId) ...

For exaple, in lvl 1:
AS/MS boost ability-> (lets said DummyAbil)
Lvl1: 0.03
Lvl2: 0.06
Lvl3: 0.09
Lvl4: 0.12

Enum Allies in AOE, check allies with ConfidenceBuffId.level == 0 and cast DummyAbil.Lvl1
If some1 has ConfidenceBuffId.level > 0 , remove that buff and cast DummyAbil.LvlX , where DummyAbil.LvlX>ConfidenceBuffId.level ... to know "X" ... I'm not sure if ConfidenceBuffId.level returns the ability level of DummyAbil tht was casted on a unit, but you can use some Unit attach data, using hashtable or GetUnitUserData to save the last DummyAbil casted lvl.

Srry my bad english, and ConfidenceBuffId.LvlX means GetUnitAbilityUnit(anyUnit,ConfidenceBuffId)
when I said "there's none that can detect the outgoing mana from hero" it means that there's no native for it...your suggestion will work if I go with ALL of the abilities and based it on constants, but that's not how things work for me...

about the confidence buff, it can't be stacked, and besides, it cant be more than 10...he said "that stacks 3 /4 / 5 Times and lasts for 5 seconds."

3x3x3=9 OK
4x4x4=12 Cant do
5x5x5=15 Cant do

furthermore, we'll be creating 3 abilities for the dummy which is not good...
Level 2
Dec 31, 2009
your suggestion will work if I go with ALL of the abilities and based it on constants, but that's not how things work for me...
3 abilities is not much, its posible.

about the confidence buff, it can't be stacked, and besides, it cant be more than 10...he said "that stacks 3 /4 / 5 Times and lasts for 5 seconds."

3x3x3=9 OK
4x4x4=12 Cant do
5x5x5=15 Cant do

furthermore, we'll be creating 3 abilities for the dummy which is not good...
Why cant it be more than 10?
Also, warcraft3 efficiente concept is a bit obsolete lol, is a old game ... 3 dummy abilitites won't take down map. I don't know another rzon why creating 3 abilities is not good.
3 abilities is not much, its posible.

your suggestion will work if I go with ALL of the abilities and based it on constants, but that's not how things work for me...
if that's how things work for you then you can do it...

Why cant it be more than 10?
Also, warcraft3 efficiente concept is a bit obsolete lol, is a old game ... 3 dummy abilitites won't take down map. I don't know another rzon why creating 3 abilities is not good.

see for yourself and edit the % of endurance aura, unholy frenzy, bloodlust, unholy aura, it cant pass 10% and cant stack...
its not good coz the standard is 1 multi-ability that can go to any levels using triggers...
Level 2
Dec 31, 2009
Ok, Ok, but you are making an hero "made in paper"

see for yourself and edit the % of endurance aura, unholy frenzy, bloodlust, unholy aura, it cant pass 10%
We want 10%, not 1000% ... 10% is 0.1
You have to put "percent"*0.01 where percent is (supposed to be) an number between 0 and 100.

and cant stack...
You can simulate a stack using multiple abilities/ multiple abilities lvls and dummy caster.

its not good coz the standard is 1 multi-ability that can go to any levels using triggers...
For sure, it is posible to do with a multi-ability. I don't know whitch is more efficient (I didn't see benchmarks of it).
Level 2
Dec 31, 2009
We are not talking about max MS .. Also you can change max movespeed in game constants.

We are talking about its posible to add values > 10%, where you said its imposible.
Level 2
May 30, 2011
Sup Folks im going to post here 1 suggestion in order to find 1 jasser who wants help us coding this in Jass.

Name: Sai
Alias: The Smiling Assassin
Role: Disable
Sub-Role: Support

A smile can get you out of a tough situation, even if it is fake."

Damage: 37-44
Range: 450
Armor: low
Move Speed: low
Attack Rate: medium

Strength: 18 (+1.50)
Agility: 18 (+1.50)
Intelligence: 22+(2.50)

Sumi Bunshin no Jutsu

Flavor Text: Sai produces an ink clone to trick enemies, any units foolish enough to attack and destroy the clone will be slowed by a surpise.
Spell Type: Clone Sai
Targets: Sai


Mana Cost: 85
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Radius: n/a
Range: Self
Cast Time: 0.30 seconds
Required Level:1/3/5/7

Activation: Upon activation produces a clone of Sai that deals 0% of his damage and takes 400/350/300/250% of the damage. Sai goes invisible for up to 5/6/7/8 seconds, with a reduction to his move speed (-10%) for the first 5 seconds. Enemies that attack and destroy the clone suffer from Smiling Surprise which affects units within a radius of 300.

Smiling Surprise
  • -80% Move speed for 1/1.25/1.50/1.75 seconds
Chōjū Giga
Flavor Text: Sai creates powerful beasts out of Ink.
Spell Type: Summon
Targets: N/A


Mana Cost: 100/115/130/145
Cooldown: 50/45/40/35 seconds
Radius: N/A
Range: Self
Cast Time: 0.20 seconds
Type: Unit(s) Summon
Required Level:1/3/5/7/

Activation: Summons 2 Chōjū Gigas have a life time of 35 seconds, 250 / 300 / 350 / 450 Health, 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Armor, base attack cooldown of 1.60/1.45/1.30/1.15 seconds, and deal 16 / 24 / 34 / 43 to 24 / 32 / 42 / 51 Physical damage with each attack.

Ruthless Root Anbu Training
Flavor Text: Sai takes command of a situation using his training, allowing his team to operate more efficiently.
Spell Type: Target Self
Targets: Self, Ally Units, Ally Summons


Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30/28/26/24 seconds
Radius: 500/600/700/800
Range: Self
Cast Time: 0.10 seconds
Type: Spell
Required Level:1/3/5/7

Activation: Ally units, summons, and self gain +4/8/12/16% Move speed and +12/16/20/24% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Sumi Nagashi
Flavor Text: Sai creates a series of ink snakes that traps enemies nearby.
Spell Type: Target Point (Channeling)
Targets: Enemy units


Mana Cost: 200/300/400
Cooldown: 180/160/140
Radius: 300/350/400
Range: 300
Cast Time: 0.15 seconds
Type: Spell
Required Level:6/11/16

Activation: Upon activation Sai channels for a 2.25/2.75/3.25 seconds, all units nearby are held for the duration of the channeling time. While held units may not attack, use items, use spells, or move; units also suffer from the debuff Ink Poison.

Ink Poison
  • Suffers -2/4/6 Armor
Level 2
May 30, 2011
One more suggestion, let see if there is someone who can deal with it.

Name: Darui
Alias: First Division Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces

Role: Ganker
Secondary Role: Support

[blur]I'm the Boss's right arm, and I'll never be just a tool![/blur]

Damage: 50-56
Range: Melee
Armor: 3.00
Move Speed: 290

Strength: 24 (+ 2.45)
Agility: 13 (+ 1.45)
Intelligence: 17 (+ 1.39)

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