Looking for beta testers!!!

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Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
As some of you may know, i am the current maker of Humans vs Orcs(not including side step), It has been over a year now since a real new version has been released and i am looking for beta testers for the current one, it has many improvements over v 4.0a, for those of you who are wondering what HvO is read below.

HvO is an AOS(like dota), featuring nearly 50 heroes, a save/load system which saves your hero's level(cap of 30), and primary weapon(a weapon chosen at the beginning which can be upgraded through runes found on the ground). It also features a job system where each job has certain abilities such as:

Builder: Steal Wood, Summon Builder, Improved lumber harvest
Weapon Smith: Craft Weapon, Improved Swords/Axes, Group Improvement
Armour Smith: Craft armour, Improved plating, defense enhancement,
Trader: Upgrade economy, steal gold

For those interested download the map here: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/26864/ Note: Due to this being a beta, the save/load system is disabled
Post any bugs/suggestions/new ideas in this thread of at my forums at www.hvo.forumsplace.com
Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
There is a gold and wood bonus for the team with the lower avg level. If you use those bonus resources to upgrade your troops while the enemy is still in their net, you can easily beat a few level 30's with a level 1.

The blood mage has been balanced since version 4.0a, he may still have uber stats, but his spells have been buffed so much that a couple of them are now almost useless.
Level 6
Mar 8, 2007
I gave it a view in single player.

Things I liked:
1.The Fractionsname above the spawns looked nice

Things I disliked:
1.I havnt playd all heros, but they had only standard spells... nothing agains them but come on.

2. Only one unit type in spawns

3. The units massed to easily 600hp 17 damage? They take endless to push forward.

4. These "jobs" dont add much difference... i prefer a upgrade building, only 2-3 abilitys per job isnt enough.

5. The terrain is boring and there was still many space.

6. You couldnt buy the captains from the center of the map, you should buy spawns from everywhere on the map.

7. Want more spawns to buy

Things i either like or dislike:

1. The weapon system, whats up with that? I havent checked if heros got different armor types. But with only 1 type of spawns...
Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
Response to Jirinal's dislikes:

1) Humans vs Orcs is know for keeping all of the original spells for everyone's favorite campaing heroes.

2) unit types increase if someone on your team has the "Builder" job

3) What, please explain more ?

4) I agree, which is why HvO Side Step has revised jobs.

5) The terrain is classic, but it could use some more doodads.

6) No, we do not want people spamming captains, I have seen it before, and it is not a good thing.

7) Again, there are plenty of spawns to buy if you get the "Builder" job.
Level 6
Mar 8, 2007
1. Ok

2. Hmm i see... so you are forced to take this job...

3. Well the units are not balanced in terms of hp/damage they take age´s to kill each other and a push will result in 20+ units attacking one tower.
That could change in multiplayer

4. Ok

5. Naw i dont like it when people just do some random 5minute terrain. Not that it isnt playable or anything but it looks so boring... maybe it is because iam a terrainer.

6. I see

7. If you force yourself or a teammember to take this job. Still i would like to see atleast one different extra spawn.
Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
2) No, you are not forced to take this job. But, at least one of your teammates should have the "Builder" job. Most people build teams and find "Builders" on our web site. http://www.freewebs.com/hvohome/Home.html
We also have several clans dedicated to this map on multiple servers, all of which can provide your team with a "builder".

3) Heroes are the main pushers in HvO; this game was designed around the strategy of push forward and pushing back your forces. Plus, there are jobs that raise the attack damage of your team spawns. (the "Weapon Smith" job)

5) The HvO maps have never been handled by a decent trainer. I am currently trying to change this, but am having trouble finding a trainer with past credentials.

8) This is why in the side step versions of this map you may hire cheap mercenaries that spawn and 3 of the jobs in side step provide additional spawns.
Level 6
Mar 8, 2007
2. Iam always thinking of public games when i say something like this...
Well its not that bad i guess its ok then.

3. Well, hehe i know what you mean but a "Herokiller" like a blademaster isnt a "Push Hero" that would be more a Kotg or something.

5. Maybe i can help out with this, but dont rely on me. When iam bored i often terrain maps, send me a pm with some information how the terrain should be done and i will think about it.

7. Well looks like need some more experience ingame then, i would probably not ask this.

But... i often saw aos with standard skills like the paladin ultimate and the revieved units just stood there doing nothing until an enemy approach them.
And also entagled units wont move etc.
I hope those things does not exist in your map.
Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
Quote: "But... i often saw aos with standard skills like the paladin ultimate and the revieved units just stood there doing nothing until an enemy approach them.
And also entagled units wont move etc.
I hope those things does not exist in your map."

Not with those exact spells, but we do have a couple of other spells that tend to stop enemy movement sometimes.
Level 1
Aug 15, 2007
hello i would like to beta test for you hvo-busterkomo i have lots of experience in testing and i play under the name PuRpLeHaZe69 on us west and us east come find me there or send me a private message here with more info
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