Looking for a similar function of JASS in Python

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Level 15
Oct 29, 2012
Hey guys,

I've recently been interested in learning Python, and even got a paid course for it from Udemy, and it's been great so far, I noticed there are so many similarities between JASS Syntax and Python, and I'd not be surprised if that were the case for any other programming language out there.

Now my answer could be answered in the near future as I go on with the course I bought, yet I am quite curious to know :

Is there an equivalent way to mess with [Arrays] in Python like we do in JASS ?
It's really great how Arrays can be meddled with and manipulated in so many ways, makes me think of any variable as a "tree" and those arrays are branches you create. But that's in JASS.

Are there 'Arrays' in Python ? What's the possible nomenclature ? Or is there another approach ?

I'd love to know your input !
Level 15
Oct 29, 2012
If a feature exists in a programming language is an ideal question for the search engine of your choice.
So Arrays can be imported to work with scientific maths (vectors, matrices, tensors). But else, the built-in python list should be used for 'normal' storage purpose.

I see. It seems I have come around the wrong approach about what Python can really do. After all, I am interested in creating apps from scratch. I know that's a bit of a long road, but I was wondering if Python can actually achieve that ? Or is there another GUI-efficient platform ?
You will need some framework like Py QT5, or Tkinter to build some proper GUI. It's definitely possible.
"GUI-efficient" is a big topic, I believe in maybe all programming languages, and it can vary very much. Probably Python isn't the strongest choice if your main goal is UI, but for writing little apps from scratch on the other side, you're very good there for sure.
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