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LoaP Undead

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Level 3
Jan 5, 2008
Greetings. I'm currently working on a LoaP project called LoaP Undead. This LoaP has been my main project for quite a while now. I used the map LoaP Platinum as a template for this map. This map was meant to be a LoaP that was to seperate itself from all the rigged and lousy versions the drift around Battle.net. I'm aware there's another LoaP undead out there, but I can't think of a new title for my map. I've worked long on this map, so here's the new features:

Hero Selection: Mafia, Drug Lord and Police all get 4 heroes to choose from each. Peasants have several new selectable heroes, including 4 secret heroes(one of them is Bill Gates, you can guess what he does).

Anything to do with sex has been removed, you have no idea how many triggers and items and custom icons and god knows what else I had to remove. It was always an un-needed part of LoaP.

New Jobs: The Farmer and Tea Master. The farmer grows crops on his patch of land and sells them to a nearby market. The Tea Master is similar to the Drug Lord, except on a much smaller scale. His harvesters gather plant material, which is then brewed into tea. He earns money by selling that tea to other players. he also gets a small income.

New Player Groups: Virus and F.A.L.L. I've noticed with all the zombie LoaPs out there, very few offered you the chance to control the zombie virus. In my LoaP, the virus group is unallied to everyone, it must destroy everything and spread throughout the city. F.A.L.L is a organisation that deals with threats like this, they possess mechanical units which renders them immune to any form of virus, they must contain the virus and destroy the virus's "food" a.k.a. the Peasants.

Other stuff: There's hidden items on the map, keep a sharp eye out and you might find one. There are currently 3 bosses on the map. Additional information on these bosses will be found in the Quest Menu.

What else could be added: Probably stuff from LoaP Gold 2, like the Control Points and the Drug Lord, Mafia and Police beacons.

Feedback and critism is very welcome.
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Level 4
Jan 17, 2008
After playing some Loap i quickly decided that it was not a game that i was interested in playing.

But, having said that, i do appreciate your desire to clean up the game. you're right- all of the sex-based content has never had any legitimate purpose, and i'm sure we can all fill our mind with better thoughts while we play WC3. :p

Also giving people some added hero selection sounds like a good idea, i was never happy with the pre-placed heroes that i had to find.

I wont be playing your game for any other reason than checking out what you've done, but i applaud your intentions.
Level 3
Jan 5, 2008
Thanks for the replies. The map's been updated recently, there's a new boss, a few tweaks made to certain units, F.A.L.L's units can now use items. That's probably the last version I'll be making, unless bugs or whatnot pop up.
Level 3
Nov 17, 2005
Which LoaP is this taken from?
Is it based upon the LoaP 2 build...? Or like the platinums?
Or like the Res Evil...?
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
they can't contain the virus, umbrella corp. couldn't and the whole world suffered, hence name extinction! i'm tired of rich player choices, just adds up to unfairness.

When it comes to loaps I have alot of ideas. I wish I could take every Loap map i've edited and mash them together, because it would be ze' ultimate. I have one now, still deciding to finish our not, basically redoing all terrain, i know most people say just make your own, but I don't want the Loap name to die, i'm also getting rid of alot of jobs, houses, and adding alot both way.

So need ideas just pm, or make idea factory thread for this map =P

also sex base shit on loap is funny, taking it out is like "hassling the hoff" I do understand reducing the amount though.
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