Loading screen and shared vision?

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Level 2
Jun 17, 2007

I have to simple questions:
First, in what format do i have to import a picture if i want to use it for custom loading screen? And with what program can i convert it to that format?
Second is a bit more difficult one. There are three players (for ex.: 1 ; 2 ; 3) and i want to make them to be allied, and i want 1 and 2 to have shared vision of each other, but i dont want 3 to have shared vision with them. I tried to put them in one force but then all of them have shared vision.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
For vision you could turn shared vision of in the Force Settings and then add a a trigger to set Player - Alliance to what you want it, I think. (To keep 2 sharing vision)
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009

I have to simple questions:
First, in what format do i have to import a picture if i want to use it for custom loading screen? And with what program can i convert it to that format?
Second is a bit more difficult one. There are three players (for ex.: 1 ; 2 ; 3) and i want to make them to be allied, and i want 1 and 2 to have shared vision of each other, but i dont want 3 to have shared vision with them. I tried to put them in one force but then all of them have shared vision.

make player 1 treat player 2 as an ally with shared vision and fulls shared units....
make player 2 treat player 1 as an ally with shared vision and full shared units ...
make player 1 treat player 3 as an ally....
make player 3 treat player 1 as an ally... bla bla bla
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