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List of Requests - Much Help Needed.

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Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Hey guys,

Could i please have the Statues made the same as http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/dwarven-statue-48883/?prev=search=statue&d=list&r=20 or http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/vikingstatue-49051/?prev=search=statue&d=list&r=20.
The Grave stone, could it be an edited version of "Grave Var.0" In WE.
The Archway, could it possibly be like http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/archway-50236/?prev=search=Archway&d=list&r=20 or http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/campaignarchway-49082/?prev=search=Archway&d=list&r=20.


Request 1: Odin

Would it be possible to make it so that the Model 'HeroNobunagaOda' Is Playing his Stand Channel animation on a stone pedestal please.
Request 2: Sharnae

Would it be possible to make it so that the Model 'HeroMasamuneDate' Is Playing her Stand Ready Animation please.
Request 3: Raiken

Would it be possible to make it so that the Model 'HeroRonin' Is Playing his attack 1 animation, but he is paused half way through, almost as if he was turned to stone whilst attacking Sharnae.

I was wondering if anyone would be able to make a gravestone for me, just like the normal ones on Warcraft, anyone, only with these words inscribed on it
"Musashi - Brave and Fearless warrior"
They can be in black, i don't mind at all :) also i don't mind about the filesize either.
TAKEN BY -rysnt11

For this i am really asking alot, i know, and i am sorry, but if anyone dose have some spare time, would it be possible to have like a wooden archway, but on the top bent piece of wood, have the words
"Village of Keiji"
Like i said before, the writing could be in black, i don't mind, also filesize or quality doesn't matter either :)
If Anymore detail is needed, please, feel free to ask, i will give as much information as i can.
If these would be possible to do, without wasting to much of anyone's time and effort, then it would be much appreciated.
Everything here, is for my Last Samurai Cinematic, i need everything on this request list if i am to finish the cinematic.

I Could really use some help if someone was to remove the memory leaks out of my map for me, you will get +REP and Credits.
The Reason i can't do this, is because i am currently trying to revise for my exams ( i need an B-A in English and Maths if i want to get in the Royal Marines. )
Please, help with this would be much appreciated.
Taken by - Narogog

I could also use another model, "Dense Rain", or something of the similar nature, The Rain on warcraft, just isn't that Dense, and to make a good storm, i need the Dense'ness on the rain. (Low Priority)

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Level 2
Mar 3, 2011
Okay I am sure there is a way of putting the letters on the arch but I am not sure how. However I think you might like this way better.


This way you are able to pick the size/color/location of each letter.

Here is the map with all the stuff you need for this.


Letter model made by RED BARON.

EDIT:The A was weird so I fixed it here it is:http://db.tt/ewv3X53
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Okay I am sure there is a way of putting the letters on the arch but I am not sure how. However I think you might like this way better.


This way you are able to pick the size/color/location of each letter.

Here is the map with all the stuff you need for this.


Letter model made by RED BARON.

EDIT:The A was weird so I fixed it here it is:http://db.tt/ewv3X53

Thank you, I will use this.

Also, i have edited main post, for another model, if someone is interested.
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