1. Go to Unit editor (the Mask)
2. Click on the Abilities Tab
3. Go to neutral Hostilead look for life regeneration aura (nuetral)
4. Copy then Paste that any where
5. If you already imported the file, go to art target- *blank* double click, add model and choose the lightsaber model
6. to choose which hand it goes in, go to attachment point 1 right below it, and click add string and type either right hand, or left hand
7. Choose a name for your ability (ex. Lightsaber right hand)
8. Go back to your unit section, and click the unit you want to have the lightsaber.
9. if it's a hero, add it to the line that inventory (hero) is in, if it's a normal unit, add that ability under abilities.
10. save your map so u don't have to do it again