• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Light Priest

Sorry for the 'unbelievvable' (cf screenshot)...
It's the last from the serie of heretics/inquisition !

LightPriest (Texture)

Archian: Very blury ingame. Portrait looks horrible. Could be improved.




Archian: Very blury ingame. Portrait looks horrible. Could be improved.
Level 9
May 7, 2005
make it better teneur ¬¬

analising the skin, its very good, i like that style of face, fits better than cartoonish one imo. besides, i loved the crux button that binds his cloak

but seeing as the theme is Light Priest, choosing Medivh to skin seens somehow, wrong. Medivh's body has everything for an hermit, or rogue mage, but not for an educated and noble Light Priest

anyway the skin itself is very good
Level 9
Nov 6, 2004
Great critisism teneur2g! Really, at least comment on the skin, instead of a bad attempt to stop Pins from skinning. Better luck next time. But it is true, the face doesn't really look that humanish, try fixing it up a bit. Otherwise, great stuff!
Level 3
Jan 20, 2005
abandon skinning, for the last year youve been a failure. the attempt at making an human face is pathetic, thats what happens when you rely on filters to do your job. the changes on the rest of the body ranges from useless to piteful.
stop screwing up the skins and start skinning for real

Rofl, and the one skin you have on this site, sucks.

Why don't you do something useful and actually MAKE GOOD skins instead of flaming Pins?
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
tkt pas, si c celui que je pense, c un vieu psychopathe je men branle de ce qui dit lui^^

''abandon skinning'' and ''start skinning'' in the same comment X]

dont worry, if he's one i'm thinking to, its a nutter and i dont give a f**k of whatever he could say^^

ya pa de filtres sur la tête alors t'apprend a te servir de photoshop avant de l'ouvrir^^...

there is no filters on face so learn how to use photoshop before open your mouth^^...