Life Bar

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I used the mana bar program, too.

~but i want it on my map :cry:

so you have to use triggers

create a string which looks like |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (100 long)
and then create a floating text above every unit with mana reading (substring of ||||... from 0 to percent of unit mana)

there is a floating text limit of 100 so you can't have it above every unit so something dynamic for all units, on the screen for example, would make more sense
you can also use images
there are great vJASS libraries for it
but not only for working with images but also for bars of all kind of types
just use google or the search from hiveworkshop (also wc3c has stuff like that and probably thehelper, too)

and some links to show you that the search really works
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