

Semi-based off of Jaina's WoW appearance with lots of gold. The runes on the back are the same design as the original skin, and most of the torso is as well. Other than that it is freehanded. Mostly did this when I found that the custom face I did for the sorceress can be used for Jaina as well. This skin also makes Jaina look more like a level ?? death-skull boss, or at least like she is a force to be reckoned with >:D

Jaina, Proudmore, Archmage, Mage, Caster, Staff, Female, Sexy, Dalaran, Wizard, Witch, Gold, Runes, Crystal, Socketed, Choker, 67chrome

LevelQQDSJaian_by67chrome.blp (Texture)

14:18, 8th Aug 2009 Hawkwing: The face is great, but there is one major fault that really ruins the skin for me. A lot of the armour is purple and, unless you set the unit's Team Colour to purple, well, it loses a lot of its awesomeness.




14:18, 8th Aug 2009
Hawkwing: The face is great, but there is one major fault that really ruins the skin for me. A lot of the armour is purple and, unless you set the unit's Team Colour to purple, well, it loses a lot of its awesomeness.
Level 1
Dec 1, 2005
She's got a really pretty face. My only qualm with this skin are the runes on the cape, which have always been an eye sore, and the armor skirt thing she wears on her outer thigh, which look really weird-stretched-deformed on the model. Other than, it's sterling.
Level 3
Oct 19, 2006
The face looks good but there is a dark line down between her boobs, chest, and it goes down to her belly button and it looks worse as I zoom out, getting bigger and going up to her upper chest, neck, and beside her face. Anyone know why I am getting this problem?
The face looks good but there is a dark line down between her boobs, chest, and it goes down to her belly button and it looks worse as I zoom out, getting bigger and going up to her upper chest, neck, and beside her face. Anyone know why I am getting this problem?

Answer your own question by taking a look at the screenshots on the first page? lol
Level 3
Oct 19, 2006
Those first pictures don't really show how it actually looks. The portrait is great, but...


It's as though the skin belongs on a slightly edited model?...
Ah.. I see what you were talking about now. The small blue Jaina in the OP's first post. Yeah I see it has that same problem too. xP
Level 8
Jan 16, 2008
I've used several of your skins in my map, and they are generally excellent. Amazing even.

However, this one doesn't look good in game. There is too much artificial shading/shadows in the skin (for instance, the dark shadow lines running down the cape) that ruin the quality of the skin in game, especially for maps that zoom out.