Since I am messing around with morph abilities...
I a managed to nearly everything that i desired... Only leveluping abilities...
For example:
Normal unit have Shockwave...Then that unit uses morph; I had written the trigger if Unit have Shockwave, then add Warstomp, Set lvl of..., and remove Shockwave... If unit doesn't have Shockwave, Unit will not get Warstomp, since u\unin can level up in the morph form i also made the trigger that if user levels up shockwave, the trigger removes shockwave and levels up warstomp ( or gives unit level1 Warstomp if unit didn't have Shockwave before...)
So now here is the problem.... This two triggers are imperfect... because my spells have maximum level of 4, so if Warstomp is already level 4 there is no point of clicking to level up Shockwave in Level up menu.. Becuase only wastes a Skill point....
I hope someone understand my blabling above...
So I want to hide Level up Button or make a trigger whic will refund Skill point if (read the example above) Warstomp is already level 4, and level up for Shockwave was selected. Because when the unit is morphed she uses different set of spells, so at level up-ing all original spells are not learned yet (you would get level 1 spell).
Otherwise my trigger works fine, only if spell is already level 4; skill points go to waste.. If level up is done correct (Hero user knows when to stop level uping Shockwave...
) then everything is fine...but if not...