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Level 5
Jun 8, 2009
ok, so Ive created it

It shows the players, But, what do I have to do to make it update properly, see.

Ive been using Lumber as Kill count which is why 0/200 exists.

What do I need to do to add to this

Event--A unit dies
Condition-- Unit=to enemy of player 1= true
Action-- Add +1 to owner of killing units lumber
(this is where leaderboard trigger should go to add to the *0*) /200
Event - Any Unit Dies
Condition - Owner of Dying unit is an enemy of Owner of killing unit
set integer=GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetKillingUnit()))
set kills[integer]=kills[integer]+1
set the item on multiboard at collumn 1, row (integer) to kills[integer]

if it ends up the wrong row that means you need to do row (integer+1) or something similar.
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