Lazerus TD v1.0

Upgrade and maze based six player team Tower Defense with Heroes.

You must protect “The One Box”. Maze at your base to kill as many spawns as you can. But don’t worry because what ever you leak is sent across the map to where all six heroes can team up to kill everyone’s leaks. Everyone must pull there weight. Your hero can only die twice. If everyone dies then the spawns kill "The One Box". If you leak too much then you kill your friends. If someone leaves there spawn will stop.

td, 1.0 Lazerus

Lazerus TD v1.0 (Map)

23:31, 26th Jun 2009, by Linaze Nice tower defense map with entertaining and rather unique gameplay. The terrain could use some improvements, especially when it comes to doodads and tile variation. The map is fairly balanced, even though some towers...




23:31, 26th Jun 2009, by Linaze
Nice tower defense map with entertaining and rather unique gameplay. The terrain could use some improvements, especially when it comes to doodads and tile variation. The map is fairly balanced, even though some towers are a bit stronger than others.

The presentation here on the Hive could be improved a bit by adding some screenshots (in hidden tags so it doesn't stretch the page) and some more information about the map and its gameplay.

Approved with a 3/5 (useful) rating
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
A nice TD that does things differently, which I like.
It involves Heros, that kill leaked creeps. This does not mean that gameplay is too easy, however, as the waves are harder than those of other TDs.
Units that get past the heros do not die immediately, but instead start normally attacking the "One Box".
This is a nice mechanic, but means that if too many creeps are alive, the game is pretty much lost...
The TD side of the game is good, with a nice range of towers, with many upgrades. The Fire tower was a bit overpowered though, as immediately upgrading it meant that most of the early rounds are effortless.
The Hero side could be improved with more Heros and Items, but, I guess, is satisfactory.
4.5/5 Voted for Approval
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Level 5
Apr 17, 2009
Nice. Thank you very much.
I have a long list of updates I have made for version 2.0 in which I hope to be releasing very soon (as in the next couple days).

Major change:
Lives - If anyone player exceeds the set "Allowable Leaks" red chooses with game mode, they are defeated. Modes include 10 leaks, 30, 60, 100, 160.



Level 4
Feb 27, 2009
Since I was a prick with ya while playing TDs, I guess I will rate this map.

Gameplay 4/5
The overall gameplay, what a player does, was good. It wasn't just average, and any one who says it is, is a newbie. Yes, you start out like a regular TD, but similar, but harder, then Bayus Firestorm TD because your hero doesn't revive, you have to fight mobs that leak with heroes.

Balance 5/5
The overall balance was good as well, but that wasn't hard to do. Everyone had pretty much the same towers, and the heroes were pretty much preset. Overall, the heroes and the towers were not rigged, as each had an equal set of advantages and disadvantages. I have no choice, in my opinion, but give balance a 5/5.

Visuals 3/5
The visuals were lacking. You pretty much have the map looking like a normal TD with very few added effects, I do not think you deserve a higher or lower grade then this one given to you.

Other Points 4/5
Selling is basically worthless, and people who are new, that could be a problem. Also, a mode is very nice to have, but you should maybe add a hitpoint to the difficulty. For example:
10, 30, 60, 100, 160 lives
150% HPs enemy, 50% HPs ally; 125% HPs enemy, 75% ally ect.
but that is just an example, so I will count off points in my review. Another thing, maybe to increase your grade, add some more visuals, you say you are done, but don't all map makers say that? :p Overall, the map was decent, maybe adding some twists and effects will gain more downloads, plays and ratings.

Overall [16/20]
[4/5] Recommended
A nice, but old, map that is a classic solo TD with a team Hero defense twist. The map needs more visuals, but from the time it went into BETA, until its "final" version, the TD has developed quite nicely. There is no doubt, due to age and gameplay, that this map will be approved.
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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Lazerus TD is as you might have understood from the title, a Tower Defense map where your goal is to construct towers and stop waves of enemies from reaching and destroying "The One Box".

The gameplay of this Tower Defense was quite interesting, and you were actually allowed to leak creeps in this map unlike most other maps of this genre. However, when you leaked a creep it got teleported to the location of "The One Box", and as you might have guessed, that isn't a good thing since if the box is destroyed, you lose the game. Your only hope of stopping the creeps once they've gotten so far is with your hero that you pick at the beginning of the game. The heroes are restricted to the place where the box is located and can only fight creeps that have gotten so far. This is a really cool feature that I haven't seen in another Tower Defense so far. The rest of the gameplay reminds me of any other Tower Defense, different kinds of towers with several upgrades etc.

The map seems to follow the Hive's rule
The terrain of the map isn't that good, that is not unusual for Tower Defense's, though, as the authors often think it matters as much as for other genres. Anyways, at the moment the map consists mainly of blizzard cliffs and simple tile variation so you can say it lacks doodads, some tile variation and also some height variation.

The map seems fairly balanced, the different heroes you could choose from weren't much stronger/weaker than each other. Some of the towers seemed fairly weak at first, but when used in combination with other towers they proved to be really useful (such as a slow-attack-speed tower in combination with an Ice Tower).

One thing that bothered me a bit was that when you upgraded a tower, it didn't get a new model or so, but just got a bit bigger. I always liked TD's where you begin with something like a simple Scout Tower model, and end up with a cooler and cooler model as you upgrade the tower.

The map seems to follow the Hive's rules pretty well, except perhaps for the description here on the Hive that could include some more information and so.

All in all, this is a pretty nice and fun map that I could see myself play again sometime, even though it could use some polishing and some improvement on the terrain.

3/5 (Useful) and voted for approval.