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Laughing time ;-)

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Level 2
Dec 13, 2003
yeah, thats the way to make your relative win an election, right Jeb?
classic, but fun ^^
Level 6
Jun 18, 2004
Level 1
Oct 17, 2004
What a funny thing
this is funny thing,the best one,since i study english.

p.s. oh god,my pool english. :lol:
Level 3
Jun 20, 2004
While I have no idea why people actually think that Kerry can run the White House better than Bush is beyond me... they are both equally stupid, incompitent, and liers. Funny video none-the-less.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
You disappoint me, Darky. I thought it was policy to keep politics off this site...because I'm sure I would be moderated rather quickly if I spammed my rather large collection of anti-Kerry material into the site...

After all, wasnt it Florida dems who protested saying that the ballots were too difficult to figure out and needed to be simplified?? Gimme a break...if someone cant figure out how to use a friggn'n voting ballot, how can they possibly comprehend politics in general and have educated opinions on who would make a better president...sheesh...

"Arrr...John Kerry has better hair, so I'll vote for him...arr...oops, I clicked on the wrong name...waaahhh Bush stole the election!!!"
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
It's d@** funny ya, but isn't this breaking the policy of discussing about politics. You know these people will start a flame war.
Tiki said:
haha omg that was so awesome...

btw if ur voting for kerry you can go to hell, i bet you dont even know the difference between repubs and democrats...

democrats are big ass pussies

Hmmmm? Those who gives un-needed comments and opinions are whores in that case. You're only being biased. Your opinion is not valid. Neither it is needed. Have a nice day ^_^

Oh anyways this is the most funniest thing I've seen lol :p
Level 6
Jul 17, 2004

:shock: Flame War?!?! He showed a funny movie his girlfriend has made! And it was fun! His the maker of the site so he can post it right? And it was only a movie....

Edit: And by the way... If someone of you is from sweden... Look at this link: www.ingenting.nu :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Hey that icon with 2 swords crossing each other...It looks like those from Runescape... :wink:
Level 3
Sep 2, 2004
VGsatomi said:
What pisses people like me off is when untrue things are said and portrayed to be true.

Ehm.. are you actually saying that he won against Al Gore in a fair way?

I guess most of the americans agree with that he cheated in that election. The rest of the world has got media that is not bought by Bush and friends. We know that he was not elected in a democratic way. No one should or could say that he was. Politicaly i think he is rutten. He takes from the poor and give to his rich friends.

Wtf.. what am i doing? As little as i can get a deaf persons attention by talking to him, i can get a blind person to understand by typing words.

/Unsupersized :p

Level 3
Jun 20, 2004
Contrary to popular belief, George Bush did not cheat.

It's called the electoral college, while I can't tottally remember the whole story about it, I believe that Bush got more electoral votes than Gore, making him the winner. If Bush did 'cheat' I'm sure congress/House of Rep would have taken action.

Edit: I also haven't heard any stories about Bush giving any money to his friends... but I'd rather not than start a political debate on this thread.... I think it be best if we all stopped talking about this...
Level 3
Sep 2, 2004
Mad_Panda said:
Contrary to popular belief, George Bush did not cheat.

It's called the electoral college, while I can't tottally remember the whole story about it, I believe that Bush got more electoral votes than Gore, making him the winner. If Bush did 'cheat' I'm sure congress/House of Rep would have taken action.

Edit: I also haven't heard any stories about Bush giving any money to his friends... but I'd rather not than start a political debate on this thread.... I think it be best if we all stopped talking about this...

"Giving money" = lowering taxes for the wealthy. I should have been more clear on that.

You are right .. we should stop here :)
Anyways.. the truth is no longer accessable. Its all up to what we think, and what we want to believe.
Level 12
Mar 11, 2004
Mad_Panda said:
Contrary to popular belief, George Bush did not cheat.

It's called the electoral college, while I can't tottally remember the whole story about it, I believe that Bush got more electoral votes than Gore, making him the winner. If Bush did 'cheat' I'm sure congress/House of Rep would have taken action.

Edit: I also haven't heard any stories about Bush giving any money to his friends... but I'd rather not than start a political debate on this thread.... I think it be best if we all stopped talking about this...

It is weird when you consider the main guy of the ellectoral college was george bush's campaign manager
Level 3
Jun 20, 2004
Vexorian said:
It is weird when you consider the main guy of the ellectoral college was george bush's campaign manager

Hmm I never knew that, interesting piece of information.

If bush did lower taxes for the wealthy... so what? I mean, they are the ones who own all the big business that provide jobs for us. I can't see why everyone feels that lowering taxes for rich people is so bad? Are we really that jealous of the lucky? (and no... my famliy isn't rich, as it is, my father rations how much I'm aloud to eat in a day :/)
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
xD looool very cheesy ^^ and those posted (lol the google search was hell funny) cool too - aah, I needed the laugh

btw america "cough couch" screwed up "cough" election system "cough cough" "plllrr" :roll:
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