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- Aug 28, 2006
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Ok, listed below are a bunch of phobias that took me a wile to type. I got these from my first year latin book and plan to add more. Please vote, this took me a long time to put together.
aciesphobia - fear of the/a battle line
acriterphobia - fear of bitterness
adjuvphobia - fear of help or helping
administrophobia - fear of attending to
adventusphobia - fear of the coming or ariving
adversusphobia - fear of facing
aestimophobia - fear of thinking
aeternus - fear of the everylasting or everlasting
africaphobia - fear of africa LOL?
agerphobia - fear of a field or the field
agmenphobia - fear og the column (of soldiers)
Britanniaphobia -fear of great britian
britannusphobia - fear of briton
caedesphobia - fear of slaughter
caelumphobia - fear of heaven or afterlife
ceasarphobia - fear of ceasar
capiophobia - fear of taking or capturing
caputphobia - fear of the head
castraphobia - fear of camp
cedophobia - fear of giving away
celeriterphobia - fear of swiftness
centumphobia - fear of the number 100
christianusphobia - fear of cristians
christusphobia - fear of christ
civitasphobia - fear of the state
clamphobia - fear of secretness
clamorphobia - fear of shouting
cognoscophobia - fear of learning
collisphobia - fear of a hill
collocophobia - fear of a station
cpiaephobia - fear of troops
decemphobia - fear of the number 10
dedophobia - fear of surrendering
deducophobia - fear of being lead away
defendophobia - fear of defence
demonstrophobia - fear of pointing out
Deusphobia - fear of God
dicophobia - fear of telling
diesphobia - fear of the day
difficilisphobia - fear of difficultys
diligophobia - fear of love
dimittophobia - fear of being sent away or dismissed
discedophobia - fear of departing
diuphobia - fear of a long time
dolorphobia - fear of pain or sorrow
elephantusphobia - fear of elephants
equitatusphobia - fear of cavalry
etphobia - fear of and
europaphobia - fear of europe
exercitusphobia - fear of an army
existimophobia - fear of thinking or thoughts
expugnophobia - fear of storms
expectophobia - fear of waiting
fidesphobia - fear of faith
filiusphobia - fear of a son/ the son
finesphobia - fear of territory
flumenphobia - fear of rivers
fortisphobia - fear of strength or bravery
galliaphobia - fear of gaul
gensphobia - fear of tribes
germaniaphobia - fear of germany
gladiusphobia - fear of swords
gloriaphobia - fear of fame or glory
gratiaphobia - fear of grace
gratiaephobia - fear of thanks
gravisphobia - fear of serious things
hispaniaphobia - fear of spain
hispaniucsphobia - fear of the spanish
homophobia - fear of men [people]
horaphobia - fear of the hour or a hour
hostisphobia - fear of the enimy
ibiphobia - fear of there
illephobia - fear of he,she,it
impedimentaphobia - fear of baggage
imperatorphobia - fear of the commander in chief
impetusphobia - fear of the attack or a attack
in saecula saeulorum phobia - fear of word without end/forever
incendophobia - fear of burning things
indiaphobia - fear of india
japophobia - fear of the japanese
japoniaphobia - fear of japan
josephusphobia - fear of joseph
judaeusphobia - fear of jews
judicophobia - fear of judges
K (none)
laudophobia - fear of praise
legiophobia - fear of a legion or the legion
lexphobia - fear of law
liberophobia - fear of freedom
locusphobia - fear of [this] place
longusphobia - fear of long things
loquerphobia - fear of speaking
Magnusphobia - fear of large things
maximusphobia - fear of the largest thing
mensphobia - fear of the mind
milesphobia - fear of soldiers
minorphobia - fear of somthing smaller
naturaphobia - fear of nature
nautaphobia - fear of sailers
navisphobia - fear of ships
nobilisphobia - fear of nobles
nomenphobia - fear of names
noxphobia - fear of the night
numerusphobia - fear of numbers
octophobia - fear of the number 8
omnisphobia - fear of everything
oppidumphobia - fear of towns
oppugnophobia - fear of attacks
oratiophobia - fear of speach or speaking
parsphobia - fear of parts
parvusphobia - fear of little things
paterphobia - fear of fathers
paxphobia - fear of peace
periculumphobia - fear of danger
pesphobia - fear of feet
populusphobia - fear of nations
quattourphobia - fear of the number 4
quinquephobia - fear of the number 5
ratiophobia - fear of reason
reginaphobia - fear of queens
regiophobia - fear of regions
rexphobia - fear of kings
rhenusphobia - fear of rhines
romaphobia - fear of rome
romanusphobia - fear of a roman
sanctusphobia - fear of holy things
sciophobia - fear of known things
secundus - fear of the second or being the second
senatusphobia - fear of the senate
sententiaphobia - fear of opinions or votes
septemphobia - fear of the number 7
superiorphobia - fear of the higher
telumphobia - fear of darts
tempusphobia - fear of time
terraphobia - fear of land
timorphobia - fear of fear!!
tresphobia - fear of the number 3
unusphobia - fear of the number 1
vacuusphobia - fear of emptyness
ventusphobia - fear of wind
vereorphobia - fear of FEAR!!!
veritasphobia - fear of the truth
Xerxesphobia - fear of xerxes [BAD WORD IN GREEK]
I hope this was interesting and you enjoyed it. Took me an hour to write.
aciesphobia - fear of the/a battle line
acriterphobia - fear of bitterness
adjuvphobia - fear of help or helping
administrophobia - fear of attending to
adventusphobia - fear of the coming or ariving
adversusphobia - fear of facing
aestimophobia - fear of thinking
aeternus - fear of the everylasting or everlasting
africaphobia - fear of africa LOL?
agerphobia - fear of a field or the field
agmenphobia - fear og the column (of soldiers)
Britanniaphobia -fear of great britian
britannusphobia - fear of briton
caedesphobia - fear of slaughter
caelumphobia - fear of heaven or afterlife
ceasarphobia - fear of ceasar
capiophobia - fear of taking or capturing
caputphobia - fear of the head
castraphobia - fear of camp
cedophobia - fear of giving away
celeriterphobia - fear of swiftness
centumphobia - fear of the number 100
christianusphobia - fear of cristians
christusphobia - fear of christ
civitasphobia - fear of the state
clamphobia - fear of secretness
clamorphobia - fear of shouting
cognoscophobia - fear of learning
collisphobia - fear of a hill
collocophobia - fear of a station
cpiaephobia - fear of troops
decemphobia - fear of the number 10
dedophobia - fear of surrendering
deducophobia - fear of being lead away
defendophobia - fear of defence
demonstrophobia - fear of pointing out
Deusphobia - fear of God
dicophobia - fear of telling
diesphobia - fear of the day
difficilisphobia - fear of difficultys
diligophobia - fear of love
dimittophobia - fear of being sent away or dismissed
discedophobia - fear of departing
diuphobia - fear of a long time
dolorphobia - fear of pain or sorrow
elephantusphobia - fear of elephants
equitatusphobia - fear of cavalry
etphobia - fear of and
europaphobia - fear of europe
exercitusphobia - fear of an army
existimophobia - fear of thinking or thoughts
expugnophobia - fear of storms
expectophobia - fear of waiting
fidesphobia - fear of faith
filiusphobia - fear of a son/ the son
finesphobia - fear of territory
flumenphobia - fear of rivers
fortisphobia - fear of strength or bravery
galliaphobia - fear of gaul
gensphobia - fear of tribes
germaniaphobia - fear of germany
gladiusphobia - fear of swords
gloriaphobia - fear of fame or glory
gratiaphobia - fear of grace
gratiaephobia - fear of thanks
gravisphobia - fear of serious things
hispaniaphobia - fear of spain
hispaniucsphobia - fear of the spanish
homophobia - fear of men [people]
horaphobia - fear of the hour or a hour
hostisphobia - fear of the enimy
ibiphobia - fear of there
illephobia - fear of he,she,it
impedimentaphobia - fear of baggage
imperatorphobia - fear of the commander in chief
impetusphobia - fear of the attack or a attack
in saecula saeulorum phobia - fear of word without end/forever
incendophobia - fear of burning things
indiaphobia - fear of india
japophobia - fear of the japanese
japoniaphobia - fear of japan
josephusphobia - fear of joseph
judaeusphobia - fear of jews
judicophobia - fear of judges
K (none)
laudophobia - fear of praise
legiophobia - fear of a legion or the legion
lexphobia - fear of law
liberophobia - fear of freedom
locusphobia - fear of [this] place
longusphobia - fear of long things
loquerphobia - fear of speaking
Magnusphobia - fear of large things
maximusphobia - fear of the largest thing
mensphobia - fear of the mind
milesphobia - fear of soldiers
minorphobia - fear of somthing smaller
naturaphobia - fear of nature
nautaphobia - fear of sailers
navisphobia - fear of ships
nobilisphobia - fear of nobles
nomenphobia - fear of names
noxphobia - fear of the night
numerusphobia - fear of numbers
octophobia - fear of the number 8
omnisphobia - fear of everything
oppidumphobia - fear of towns
oppugnophobia - fear of attacks
oratiophobia - fear of speach or speaking
parsphobia - fear of parts
parvusphobia - fear of little things
paterphobia - fear of fathers
paxphobia - fear of peace
periculumphobia - fear of danger
pesphobia - fear of feet
populusphobia - fear of nations
quattourphobia - fear of the number 4
quinquephobia - fear of the number 5
ratiophobia - fear of reason
reginaphobia - fear of queens
regiophobia - fear of regions
rexphobia - fear of kings
rhenusphobia - fear of rhines
romaphobia - fear of rome
romanusphobia - fear of a roman
sanctusphobia - fear of holy things
sciophobia - fear of known things
secundus - fear of the second or being the second
senatusphobia - fear of the senate
sententiaphobia - fear of opinions or votes
septemphobia - fear of the number 7
superiorphobia - fear of the higher
telumphobia - fear of darts
tempusphobia - fear of time
terraphobia - fear of land
timorphobia - fear of fear!!
tresphobia - fear of the number 3
unusphobia - fear of the number 1
vacuusphobia - fear of emptyness
ventusphobia - fear of wind
vereorphobia - fear of FEAR!!!
veritasphobia - fear of the truth
Xerxesphobia - fear of xerxes [BAD WORD IN GREEK]
I hope this was interesting and you enjoyed it. Took me an hour to write.