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Level 4
Feb 23, 2008
1. in green td and other stuff like that how do I make it so when some1 kills something it would say +20 or something?

2. how do i send more than 1 unit type in each wave?

3. is there a formula for making "bounty" money that is given to units who killed those units? like if i killed something how do i change the amount of money i get like is there a formula?
Level 4
Feb 25, 2008
1. Sounds like you're talking about normal gold bounty here.. I think the problem is that you're having player owned units killing player owned units, as opposed to player owned units killing creeps. The way to resolve this is by turning on bounty for a certain player via triggers.

2. For this, I'm assuming you're using triggers to send the units. Just include multiple action lines, one for each different type of unit you want to send.

3. Edit the amount of gold bounty you receive for each kill in the object editor under the units tab. You can find this near the bottom in the Stats section, in the field titled Gold Bounty

Hope this helps... lemme know if you have any more questions.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
1. use a trigger like this:
event:map initalization
action: player --> turn player flag on/off --> turn give bounty on for <your player> (if you want it for every playerthen do: pick every player in "all players" and do action: turn give bounty on for picked player)

2. enough said i think

3.i think there are 6 bounty tabs for each unit, you only need the last 3 of them, the system works like the damage system for units, so if you want to give your unit 20 gold kill bounty, put "19" in the 4th tab and "1" in the last 2 tabs
Level 4
Feb 23, 2008
for 3 i meant is there a formula because theres these 3 things on the amount of bounty given like per dice or w/e and also i sit possible to download abillitys?
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Level 4
Feb 25, 2008
You can't exactly download abilites.. you can do one of two things.

1. You can edit existing skills in the object editor so that they have the proper values.

2. You can create new abilities through GUI/Jass Scripting. The basic idea behind this is to extend the capability of existing skills through triggers. You can read a basic tutorial on this process here:

And you can also find tons of pre-made custom abilities made by users here at the hive! You can find a tutorial for importing these onto your map here:

Hope this helps, and have fun with your mapmaking.
Level 4
Feb 23, 2008
something is wrong with my map it keeps crashing why? can units crash things? because i have like this model i put for the store and this unit i put it turned black and started to turn into like lines connecting to the shop or somthings
Level 4
Feb 25, 2008
I won't be able to tell you for sure unless you send me your map and describe what happens/what you're doing when it crashes. Post a version of your map to this thread and I'll see what I can do about it.
Level 4
Feb 25, 2008
When you're entering a new post (like this one) theres a little picture of a paper clip (to the right of the smiely picture). Click on it and it will open up a new page that allows you to attach a document to the post.
Level 4
Feb 25, 2008
I think I've found your problem...

Under the trigger editor, in the Spells folder, your spell lightning gun and all the related triggers seem to have a lot of non-functioning actions.. I'm guessing you had a friend create these for you (?) and the variable names he used don't match the ones that you need. I looked under your variable tab and a lot of the variables that appear in these non-functioning actions aren't listed on your list. To correct this, just create new variables that match the names of the ones in the actions, and be sure to set them as the right variable type. Also, for future reference I reccomend going to the Preferences menu under the File tab on the world editor and putting a checkmark in the box that says 'Automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data' so that you don't have to deal with this problem again, as the world editor will create the variables for you.

Hope this helps! And GL with your map.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
I can take a look at it, but be warned my time is limited.

EDIT: I see the crash you are referring to, but I don't see anything initially wrong.

EDIT2: Your problem appears to be with an imported file, although it would take some time to find which one is the source of the problem.
Level 4
Feb 23, 2008
nvm i found out what whats wrong. it was the shops i put in they were doing something wrong

Problem auto-solved.
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